Chapter 8 The adventures over

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It is unclear of how much time have passed, but the ringleader and his assistant are starting to get a bit worried after all given what is happening so far it would make sense to be so worried about this.Soon it became for Caine to check in on the newest members of the troop as he decided to leave Bubble there to at least process.

Because after everything that is happening right now, it's best that he left his assistant to unwind for a little bit.As it is a lot to process after everything that's happening right now, so maybe it's time to see how the new members of the troop are doing so far at least to get his mind off of things for a while.As then he soon came out of the tent.

He noticed how the new cast members have been busy doing some of their own things while others were trying to find the holes he can't blame for some of them, wanting to do their own things after all.As he hopes that perhaps that maybe a delicious feast could make everyone feel more comfortable around here as he still doesn't understand why his memories were so fuzzy.

Maybe he can figure that out later, but now he needs to focus on the new cast members.So he needed to get their attention so that he can get them back into the tent for the feast. He asked his assistant to do that once the whole processing stuff finished.So he when headed over to get the new cast members so he can tell them that the adventure is over.

"Alright then it looks like the adventure is over. So maybe we should just go back to the tent my assistant has prepared a feast."

As the rest of the crew soon came towards the ringleader there is sounds coming from the group as they were pretty happy about exploring. This place felt familiar to them but at the same time it felt different. But they didn't really care though because they were having fun with that without a care in the world.As the group is soon are in the tent as Caine decided to count the new members of the troop.

He always did that with his old troops to make sure that no one was missing.As he is counting as then he realize that there was some missing so without any hesitation, he goes off to find the missing members of the new troop.It is causing a lot of problems for him now as this is not good for him at all as he soon then there is a sound that is coming from somewhere else.

Then he looked over to see that there a sound that is coming from somewhere.So then Caine decided to go and investigate hoping that it is something else that is not going to be dangerous.So then he went over to see that there is a lot of sounds knowing that there were voices so Caine went over to see.As he is taking some time because then he went over and saw that there is you and Kaumfo and Queenie talking with each other, but there was another voice as well.

He recognize that voice it was a lot to say the least. He was hoping that it wasn't a trick as the voice that he recognized is still there.As Caine is trying to get there so that he is unsure about all of this still as he continued making his way there, though he was taking his time.It is hard to even start thinking that is him it just seems like that is the only explanation as to why he is listening to his voice.

But he is still a little bit hesitant about what he is gonna expect as he is still very unsure about it but Caine is not going to be able to make any of this out if he is just going to do nothing.So then Caine soon made his way over there as the group that you are in as then he looked to see that it is Ziggy.As the ringmaster is in a complete shock, but also mixed in with relief, knowing that Ziggy is fine as he seemed to be confused like he was earlier.

So Caine then talk to him trying to calm Ziggy down knowing how his canine instincts were starting to kick in as he was grinding, his teeth, and his tail was going completely crazy by moving not to mention, he was resisting every temptation inside of him to chase his own tail. That became a coping mechanism for him to simply relax a little bit when too overwhelmed.So then after a while, as you and Kaumfo not to mention Queenie are still talking with each other.

Soon after Caine finally managed to calm down Ziggy he soon told you and the rest of your group to follow him as Ziggy followed as well.After finally after who knows how long you and your group manage to get back to the tent as everybody else that was there went up to your group as you were all talking with each other.It is very exciting that you and your group were talking with everyone else about the adventure.

As it's very exciting as you are having a great time with these adventures.So is everyone else as it's very interesting and exciting to do it all you and everyone else seem to be talking about it until the assistant of the ringmaster spoke up, pulling you, and everybody else away from the conversation.

"It's time for an amazing digital feast.With all the love I'm legally allowed to give."

You and everybody else didn't really know what Bubble meant by that but right now, you could probably have something to eat. Everyone else seem to agree on that as well.Soon enough you then sat down, looking at the food. It was strange, looking to say the least, but you didn't mind as you've been into some of it.

As you also realize that you didn't have that much flavor, but you didn't carry the way not to mention everyone else there seem to care either.So you continued on eating as well as everybody else so once that was done.Perhaps you can go to your room and recharge so that the next adventure will be just as fun at least you and everyone else that is.

[A/N: So when chapter 10 comes out, it will be in Queenie's perspective. That's all that I wanted to say and yeah that's basically it.]

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