Chapter 10 Something missing?

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As the digital feast finished it soon became time for a recharge as everybody is soon shown where the rooms are in the tent thanks to the help of the assistant. Bubble is a bit odd, but he is very nice and wants to help so after taking the group to the rooms, it was strange to see that there are portraits on the doors for the rooms.

As the hallway has bright colours, as it would be expected not to mention some strange paintings as well.But it is time for much needed break so that they can be ready for the next adventure coming soon.
Bubble soon headed back to where Caine is still talking with Ziggy as you and everyone else seem to be taking in the hallway before entering the rooms.

It is simply amazing to see all of this, especially with the weird paintings was quite odd to say the least but you and everyone else didn't really care about that.

As everyone can't help but look at everything else. Especially Queenie as her focus was on some door that had a blank portrait with no one there something about it was calling to her. Though it was unclear as to what exactly what it is that was so intriguing.Soon afterward it became time to head back and go into the rooms as you said goodbye to your new friends and headed into relax you could probably focus on the rest of the room later right now you're just headed into the bed and just lay down there.

As everybody else did the exact same except for Queenie, as something was bothering her for some reason. It was strange as to what exactly is happening in her head right now, as she decided to simply lay down and try to distract herself.

(" I don't understand. What's this weird sensation going on in my head. It's strange I can't get it out. It feels like there's something missing. I don't know what it is though. I had the same feeling when I saw that blank portrait there for that room. I don't know why, but it felt familiar to me.I don't understand though, but then again, I'm not the only one stuffing with these memory problems. But still strange, though why can I get it out of my head? maybe I should just close my eyes I don't feel tired, but maybe taking a little nap or make me feel better.")

Soon as Queenie closes her eyes there is nothing there but blackness at least for a while.As then there is a strange feeling that was very odd to her. It was something that cannot be described as it's continue to play her mind.As then there is a sudden shift in perspective as there is something that Queenie is seeing for some reason it wasn't completely together.

There is a some familiarly there, but everything else was confusing to say the least, as the chess piece was able to figure out that it was the hillside that she went with her friends. It was strange.Because there is something that was calling to her, but it was unfamiliar as a strange feeling is there as well.Soon after Queenie, then noticed something as there is a game board there as there was also somebody there, but there was hard to describe who it is.It's strange who was this individual? Why did it feel so familiar?

("I don't understand.Who is this. Why can't I shake the feeling that I've seen this person before? I can't tell who it is the details are just so difficult.So I don't understand why. It's honestly just so confusing for me. Why am I also back here?It's so weird I feel like I've been there before but why?Everything is so strange.")

As there are more questions as this strange feeling of déjà vu as things are just confusing for Queenie at the moment.The only thing that is really clear is a purple robe as it is very similar to the one she is wearing, but the only difference is the colours as hers is red, while the other that this individual is wearing is purple.So why is that this individual felt so familiar to her as besides the purple robe being the only thing that was in detail, the figure was completely fuzzy.

As it's just so confusing, but for some reason there was a feeling of safety when looking on this individual. Though the details for this individual were fuzzy, except for the purple robe, there was a feeling of safety as well as happiness for some reason.It is strange for Queenie need to feel these strange feelings, yet they felt familiar, but for some reason it also felt so fuzzy. As these feelings were pulling away at her as it was just so confused for the chess piece as everything was still very fuzzy.

("I don't understand who is this person? Why is it that I feel like I know who it is but at the same time I don't.Everything is just so confusing and cryptic to me. Why is it that I can't figure out who this person is?")

Then there is a voice that is then coming from this fuzzy individual, but it was hard to tell if this individual was speaking or not because the voice was hard to understand.It also filled her with a sense of sadness why it was unclear as many emotions continue to fill her head of happiness, and sadness, including many others.

But why is it? It was so unclear as it caused so many problems then there was something else that is happening as then Queenie soon felt something on her face as then, it was reveal to be tears as it was pretty clear that she didn't even notice that she was crying.

Why is she crying? It doesn't make any sense at all to her.As then there is a voice that seems to be coming from this individual, but it was hard to tell what this individual was trying to say to her.

"Mɐʞǝ nd...˙˙ ʎon ɥɐʌǝ ʇo ʍɐʞǝ nd......˙ Όnǝǝnıǝ ʍɐʞǝ nd˙"

("I don't understand. Who is this why do I have so many feelings for the individual. why am I crying? I don't understand any of this. I can't understand what this individual is saying either what's going on?")

Then there is a change sensation that Queenie felt on her face as it felt comfortable and familiar, but why that was the big question. But before there were any questions of voice, that was very familiar to her jolted and strange sensation, as the voice sounded distressed, and worried.

"Queenie! Please wake up!"

Then the chess piece woke up looking to see you there right in front of her as by the look and expression on your face, it was clear that you were very worried about her.But it is still unclear what exactly happened as there was so many questions especially about that dream.

What was it about the details got fuzzy as for some reason Queenie cannot recall it at all it had faded out of her mind as soon as the feast. But right now there were more important things as the chess piece looked at you seeing how concerned you are for her.

" Luca? What are you doing here?I don't understand why you're here in my room."

" Queenie you're not in your room. You're back in the hallway where our rooms are."

Soon after fully coming back to her senses Queenie looked around to see that Luca is right that somehow that the chess piece had somehow returned to the same hallway with the rooms. That was very strange as it was odd for her to be back here again, including being back at that same door with a blank portrait on it.

That is very strange as then after being pulled out of her thoughts again, noticing how you were very much distraught and worried for her.It is clear though that it was unfair to you as she should've known better about worrying you so much.

" I'm really sorry that you had to find me like that Luca. I honestly don't recall coming back here. It's strange honestly. Hopefully I didn't cause too much of a problem."

"It's fine Queenie just please be more careful. Also, you don't remember coming back here I guess that makes sense considering when I found you were a little bit out of it. Including the fact that you are crying as well were you having a dream, perhaps."

"I was having one. It was a strange dream when you woke me up.It's was about..................Um...............I don't remember what it's about honestly."

As it's clear that Queenie can't recall a dream at all it is strange to say the least that the dream was suddenly forgotten but then again, what should there be a issue of being frustrated at this at all?It is not important to focus on a dream that has been forgotten so easily.It was best to just leave it behind. That is for the best to forget about that silly thing that happened besides, what's the point of focussing on something if you can't remember it.

Also it's time for another adventure at least that's what Bubble came to for you and everyone else.Caine decided to be a simple indoor house adventure for today, as that was probably for the best.You decided to head off and do this indoor house adventure as Queenie followed you as both agreed it was for the best to not speak of what happened and simply forget about it. It was for the best anyways no point on focussing something so pointless because you can't recall it at all. It was for the best anyways to move on and do this indoor house adventure whatever it is.

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