Chapter 11 Pillow fort

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As the group soon began to move toward the centre of the tent as you were talking with Queenie trying to make sure that everything was fine after what happened last time.As it turns out that everything is fine as the chess piece had returned to being happy and go lucky personality that she has.You are very grateful that Queenie is acting like herself again because this indoor adventure is going to be very interesting to say the least.

As you also are very excited about this new adventure.Because you are still pretty much impatient for this new adventure to begin as everyone else is talking with each other.You are very much motivated to do this adventure as everyone is also feeling your excitement as you have a way to make everybody feel better as you didn't mind out at all.

Soon after everybody soon made the way to the front of the tent as it was still the same when they first woke up inside here. But they really didn't mind either way as they can't wait to do this indoor house adventure.As they are still talking with each other over what the new adventure is going to be especially since it's going to be an indoor house adventure.

It is taking some time for the ringmaster to appear as apparently Bubble also informed them that Ziggy would be joining as well.So that is very interesting to say the least as everybody was still talking with each other about all of the activities that could be done here for an indoor house adventure.

"So...... any ideas what Caine might have us for this indoor house adventure."

"I don't know honestly but I'm pretty excited for this. I know it's just a simple indoor house adventure, but I'm still pretty excited to do it either way."

"I guess I can understand why you excited Luca still try not to get too excited.Because we don't want you to go overboard now do we?"

As everyone is already getting pretty much, bored and impatient as it is taking a while for the ringmaster to come here.As there is a sound that is coming from somewhere as then there is a bunch of pillows that appeared out of nowhere.That is very surprising for you and everybody else as well, as making it interesting to say the least.

As there was still so many pillows coming from nowhere as you are now so much intrigued, including confused as to what exactly is going on, but it must be part of the new adventure.As then there is a sound that is very much familiar to you and everybody else.

As then there is a lot of noise that is very loud and there is a smoke as you then noticed the ringmaster along with Ziggy being there as well. You and everybody else was surprised to say the least, but enjoyed having a surprise there either way.

"Well it looks like my assistant got everyone here already and I already bought the pillows for today's adventure.As it's mostly Ziggy's idea, but I appreciate him helping me. Today's adventure is going to be creating a pillow fort. As it's gonna be nice and simple and an indoor house adventure, since you guys already had an outdoor one."

That makes sense as you and the others were given an explanation on what to do for today's adventure as it's to build a pillow fort as you and the others can't wait to do it.As you are pretty much excited to do this adventure as it is going to be very interesting for you and everybody else.

As the instructions were explained as to do the pillow fort as you are interested in what shape you will make the pillow fort in.Then there is also some other information on this adventure as apparently the ringmaster is also going to be helping as well.Not to mention that there going to be some break time in the pillow fort as there is also some other thing as well, but that was not important right now.

As it's time for the adventure to do there is a sound as then everybody is soon started to pick a pillow and started to assemble the pillow fort.As it is very clear that there an incredible edge and everyone to throw the pillow at each other even Queenie was fighting really hard to resist the temptation.

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