Chapter 2 Unexpected company

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At the moments you in the stranger, where walking around this place you still have no clue where you are as it seems very strange this place, but familiar as you were still so confused as to how you got here, including the stranger right next to you.It is very confusing to say the least especially how unique this place is, then you again how your body functions is also strange.

As after a while of looking around this place, you and the individual decided to take a break and sit down.At the moment you had with this individual you decided to ask him if he remembers anything.When he woke up, even though it was clear that you and him were suffering from some kind of amnesia.

As it is clear that he doesn't remember anything about his past or who he is like he said before.But he does remember when he woke up in some sort of weird place before meeting you. As apparently, there was a lot of bright colours and shapes in different sizes, including anything else that was just too much to describe.

But apparently what you did discover was this clown like to tell jokes as you think it might be a hobby of his and you don't mind everyone has a hobby that they have to do.So you don't mind, listening on some of his jokes, as they were honestly pretty funny, and he was surprised at this.

"Why are you surprised that I'm laughing at your jokes they're honestly pretty funny."

"I don't know...... but I have a very strange feeling that somehow no one liked my jokes. Or, so I thought.But maybe whoever didn't like them didn't have a good sense of humour. Anyways, we should probably get going now and figure out where we are or if there's others here as well."

You soon got up with the other clown and started walking again as this place was very interesting to say the least, as that was the only way you can put it.Soon after walking you and the other clown noticed some strange shape like creatures moving around.As for some reason, they seemed familiar as these weird shape like beings, turned their attention to you and the other as without any hesitation.

They quickly head over and picked you up, trying to take you somewhere as you were surprised, and unsure of what to do.As your companion, headed off to try to catch you but these creatures were very fast as you were trying to escape them.Then for some reason they stopped as you fell on the floor and the creature soon left very quickly.You honestly, never wanted to see those creatures ever again as then a voice spoke out to you, as you didn't notice that there was a silhouette on top of you.

"Are you alright!? You took quite a fall there.Those miscreants really took you for a ride there."

"Yeah I'm fine...... wait a minute!?"

You soon looked up to see what appeared to be a sentient chess piece wearing a red fluffy robe as judging by this chess piece it was a queen chess piece to say the least.So you are right about you and your companion not being the only ones here as you are speechless upon meeting this individual.But then yet again, given how your body had react to certain things since you woke up, it was clear that this shouldn't be the weirdest thing you've seen so far.

You are then helped up things to this individual as you noticed many different things about yourself, and the other that you found as you are concerned about your companion.Because it seems like you couldn't find him anywhere as you notice that the other with you looked at you with the concern expression.

"You sure that you're alright? Because those miscreant seem to have done some damage to you by stopping so suddenly for you to land on the floor like that."

"I'm fine it's just that I'm looking for a friend of mine before those things took me away. Because we where trying to figure out if there where others here as well.Also sorry about putting this on you, but me, and my friend are suffering from some kind of amnesia."

"It's alright.....if I can be honest with you too, I am as well suffering from some kind of amnesia I can't remember my name on my past.But at least I know that I am not alone in this. Perhaps we should go find your friend."

With that you decided to retrace your steps as the other individual that you found, followed you, as you were somewhat glad that you and your friend weren't the only ones here.But you are also concerned about this whole amnesia situation as it is a very serious matter.As right now you and your other friend need to find the other when you listen to some voices, you recognized one of them to be your companion, but others you are unfamiliar with.

So you are confuse along with the individual. You are with soon after you came to see the other clown who noticed you and began making a friendly gesture to come as you notice some others with him.As there is a fuzzy worm, like creature that had googly like eyes staring at you. Including there was some sort of blue animal like creature, as the individual has clown like appearance on his face.

As well as there is an another animal like creature as well not to mention a clown like toy creature, and a pink cyclops as well as a lizard like creature as well. This is quite a strange crowd of individuals then yet again, how your body does sudden expressions, you shouldn't be that surprised, especially finding your other friend.So you are surprised as the group that you companion found, came close and started talking with you as the other friend you found, was talking along with the group as well.

All members of the group have the exact problem like you and those you've met with no memory of the past and who they are or how they got here.As it is very concerning and strange why all of you can't remember anything not even your names.Then you noticed a door there, including everyone else, as you did not realize that before so you decided to check it out.You soon look through the other side to see something very interesting as well as the other members of the group too.

As the group look to see what appeared to be new surroundings, as apparently there were some kind of strange circus tent with there being a carnival at the outside, including some kind of lake with a lighthouse on the other side.You also notice how it was both night and daytime, as you found that very strange, including the entire members of the group.

You also notice how it was both night and daytime, as you found that very strange, including the entire members of the group

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It is very strange as it did not make any sense whatsoever.So you and the rest of the group started to freak out because there was no idea what was happening anymore as everyone was just so confused as to what exactly is happening.As then another voice popped through the entire group panicking.

"All you guys don't seem to be any members of the troop. You guys must be new members what's with all of the panicking?"

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