Chapter 4 First adventure begins

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You and the group look to see what appeared to be a sentient bubble that had eyes and teeth as you and the rest of the group can't help be speechless with this as you can't help and notice how pointy and sharp the teeth are.But right now, you and everyone else that you found it just so confused as to what is going on the sock puppet like animal.

That you noticed earlier they had a clown like appearance like you, and the other, except only on the face.As you and the other that you met first were more clown, then the other because of your clothing, and including how your body responded so you and your first friend are more clown.

But it still doesn't explain the fact that there was a talking bubble here that just spoke to you and everyone else.Then again, given what you and the group are, you shouldn't be that surprised, but it was still a lot to process.So naturally you and the group were just processing everything as your mind appeared to be frozen in place.

Of what exactly is going on as it is a lot of process as the sentient bubble just looked at you in the group simply confused, but not frozen like you and everyone else are.Then the bubble decided to speak again, as that seem to snap you and everyone else out of the freeze.

"So...... is everyone going to come with me to see our ringleader, considering how you guys must be new cast members that must make sense why you all here?"

That word felt familiar. Why did it feel so familiar to you and the other is extremely confusing but maybe there will be some information that everyone needs right now. Including answers as well. As you noticed that beyond the carnival and the lake that does seem to be a fog there as you don't know why, but you decided to ignore it for now, and follow the sentient bubble back into the tent as the rest of the group followed you.

So you and the others continue to follow the bubble as this place must be very familiar for the sentient bubble.But you and everyone else was still so confused as to what exactly is happening, including getting a strange feeling of déjà vu to all of this.That is very strange, but then yet again, considering what you and everyone else are, it shouldn't be a surprise, but it still is.

"I have an introduced myself. Sorry about that.I'm Bubble and I'm also the ringleader assistant.Anyway I have to get you and everyone else to meet Caine maybe he'll be with the other members of the troop because I know everything is just so frazzled with my memories but something tells me you guys have it worse."

That is true you and everyone else have no memory of who you are and what you are but at least apparently Bubble knows who he is, and what he is.As that can't help raise feelings of jealousy from you, and everyone else to say the least but there was nothing that can't be done at this moment.So it is something that you can't control right now, including everyone else as you can help but curious about the ringleader Caine.As you are still very confused about this entire situation as the rest of the group is confused as well.

But then you look to see that there is what appears to be someone that is levitating wearing a ringleader uniform, but the individuals head is different from you and the others. It was a mouth and the eyes were well inside of the mouth which is strange. It was different, unlike your head, and the others as well. Very strange, considering what you are, including, everyone else you would assume to be fine with it.

But it was still strange.Soon the ringleader then noticed Bubble with you in the group before heading off the individual fixed, his bowtie and top hat as you were surprised to see his top hat, floating there but nothing should've surprised you at this point now.Then there is and the more surprising moment as when Caine stopped and noticed you in the group, but spoke to Bubble as it made sense considering he is the assistant to the ringleader.

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