Chapter 3 Back in life

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In the real world things are a bit perplexing to say the least because apparently there is some complaints happening in a company as certain people seem to be confused and relieved.As there is a lot that is happening there enough to say that the company needs to have some time to process.So to make sure that whatever happened in that game didn't happen again.As it was a apparently caused by a glitch for some weird reason so the company decided to give it an update.

As it will never happen again, as it will cause a reset, and most of the game had been restored as it was taking a while for everything to come back to normal in there.But those that were trapped in the game seem to be dealing with a lot of readjusting back to reality as the others that were in the game didn't seem to respond and where taken into the hospital.

Once there in the hospital the doctors came back to the people that had not responded for quite some time.As it appears that they went some sort of coma. Their bodies were fine, but their minds where to be completely unresponsive.So it was very strange to say the least but for now the company it's at least grateful that those people were fine even though there was some kind of deep sleep.

Then it's time for the other employees that came back fine though a little bit disoriented.It would make sense since some of them have been trapped in that world, for who knows how long, including another one that recently entered.But still is disoriented as it was going to take a while.So it soon became time to do some decisions after everything that had happened as the employees were given some time off to recuperate.

As there will be some new developers coming into work on the game.As there is also some new changes in the game as well as the update was one of the changes the other one was going to be a new firewall so that the glitch won't happen again.So the employees that were finally out of the game after being trapped there for so long didn't know what to do with the break.

As for sometime the employees had just given up on returning to the real world but now that they're back everything seems so unreal now. Because they were used to the digital world for so long. Most of them had given up, except for one that was recently trapped in that digital world.

A bernadette, who was recently hired, and got recently trapped, and managed to find the exit.But even though it was over, everyone just is so confused as to what to do now.Even one who has been trapped in there the longest had no idea what to do just fidgeting with his hands.

("I don't understand...... after searching for an exit for so long and actually getting out of there despite what everyone said......I should be relieved right now but I don't.It's just so frustrating but then again, I will admit that place was fun in a way even though I was anxious all the time there.I don't know what it gonna happen there now.But maybe I'll check on it after the break is over because I need it.I hope that everyone else is doing better than me because I feel conflicted.")

Soon afterwards, it became time for the employees to leave to go on their vacations. But ever since they left the digital world and they've had their memories returned and everything, but it just felt so off.It is so hard for them to leave after everything that happened but it is a lot to process.As they are waiting for the taxis to come.Soon as the taxis arrive and took them to their houses it is just strange after everything that happened as after getting back from everything it just seemed so empty.

Especially to the employee that got recently trapped but found the exit. Why did everything felt so hollow now?It is confusing as the employee lay down in the bedroom after missing it for so long, but why is that everything felt so off now.It is so confusing it didn't make any sense anymore so what was going to happen now?

(" I don't know why I feel so empty.Come on that was the name in the circus my real name is Allison. Why do I feel so empty inside? Is it because of what happened there in the circus? I guess I can't really blame any of that from happening or why. So what do I do now? Maybe I should take a break with the vacations that I'm getting and come back to see how it's going. That's a good idea. I just feel so burnt out right now.So I think I'll do that and when I head back to the company I'll see how everything's going on in the circus. But now I'm just gonna relax and take a break from all of this. It's been a lot to deal with.At least the others gave me the phone number so that I can keep in contact with them.")

Soon Allison then picked up the phone with those that were also stuck in the circus phone numbers in order to keep in contact because of the spending so much time together they've grown some friendships with each other.So it was nice that they were able to keep in contact with each other.But for some reason Allison can't help wonder but the others that were in the digital circus as well. How come they haven't woken up it doesn't make any sense it just is so confusing.

But after everything that happened it was clear that needed to be a break in order so that was the best option for her considering everything that happened so that was the first thing.As when Allison looked in the mirror, it was quite strange, seeing her original reflection after so long it will take some time getting used to it again.Including getting used to back to reality and life but Allison had dealt with so much worse this can't be any different.

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