Chapter 6 What to do?

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It's a strange thing being back in the real world as it's a very weird feeling for Peter it was almost like being in a dream, but he was back in the real world again.As now he was unsure of what to do. He and the others that were trapped in there for so long got some time to take a break, but those that still haven't woken up from apparently a coma in the hospital. All the information he got is that the bodies were fine, but for some reason, they weren't waking up as the brain wave activity was very low, but stable to say the least.

So it is strange, even more stranger to be back in reality again he remembers everything he had forgotten while he was trapped in that circus.But he doesn't know what to do now that he's out. It also doesn't change the fact that he sees things maybe he missed being Jax he doesn't know why, but he missed it.

Does the others miss being in the digital world as well. It's just confusing for him right now, so maybe taking these vacations will be good for him so that he can process somethings. At least try to get his life back in order before he got trapped there as he realized he missed so much already.As now he is currently laying down in his bedroom back at his house...... his house.

It's been a while since he've actually been back and said that.As it's just so confusing as he hopes that everyone else that escaped from the digital was fine as well. It's been so long he had given up hope that he would ever escape but now he did with his friends, but what to do now?That is just so confusing not to mention when he looked at himself in the mirror.

As he can't help but feel like his reflection now is just not him anymore. He's already having trouble adjusting back to reality but now he can't even look at himself in the mirror because his old reflection didn't feel like him anymore.It's just so confusing it's even more confusing that he can eat normally if he was going to be honest.

All of the sudden, his stomach growled as he realize he forgot what the sensation of hunger feels like.It caused a great pain as he decided to get up to go into the kitchen to get something to eat as this was frustrating for him to say the least. Having to deal with so much already after escaping that circus.

("I don't understand why I feel so lost in all of this.I should relieved now that I am out of that circus, including everyone else, but why do I feel so empty inside? I know that me, and everyone else were stuck in there for years and well Pomni just arrived there a couple of months ago I presumed. So why do I still feel so empty inside? It also doesn't help that my stomach is craving food. I forgot what the feeling of hunger is after being trapped there for so long. Maybe having some food can help me feel better.So I really need a distraction from all of this.")

Then Peter then look to see the mirror again, as he decided he might as well take a look at his reflection what's more.Soon he when to the the mirror as he noticed his hair as it is black, but he also dyed purple as he now remembered.As his eyes are the colour silver as his skin is brown not to mention that his hair is in dreadlocks along with the hair that has been dyed purple.

So he turned away from the mirror after he checked his nose to make sure that there wasn't a nosebleed like last time.It well, strange, looking at his reflection it was like he was looking at a ghost. It was so strange honestly.As he then looked up to see that he was at the kitchen as he also realized since he was gone, he did not clean up his house as it was still a little bit messy after all.

But he didn't care right now he has something to eat as he decided to go to the fridge to see if there was anything there to have.It is clear that he did not buy that much before he got trapped in the circus, as he continued looking to see that there was something there edible to enjoy.Soon Peter then brought out something from his fridge.

It was carrot cake.As it might be dessert, but it was the only thing for him to enjoy right now, considering that there wasn't that many in the fridge to have.So he took out a piece and placed it on the plate as he was getting some milk for him to have.

So he took out a piece and placed it on the plate as he was getting some milk for him to have

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It felt strange doing this, as he thought he would never get back to his old life before.So why did it felt so empty to him it doesn't make any sense at all.Then he looked up as there was another mirror, but instead of seeing his old reflection he saw his digital reflection.He felt the adrenaline in his body going crazy as it almost felt like his heart had stopped a little bit, but it was still beating.

It just was impossible. It couldn't be possible as he saw his digital reflection.That isn't him,it couldn't be him that isn't his reflection that is Jax not him that couldn't be him.As he began to panic upon seeing his digital reflection there staring back at him,mimicking him.

("No,no,no,no,no,no! That can't be me! That's not me at all! That is in my reflection.It's Jax. I'm not him anymore. I can't be him anymore. I'm Peter not Jax! Never in million years as I finally got out. I'm not going back there again. I'm Jax! that's not what I meant. That's not me that can never be me. I don't miss that place not one bit. Leave me alone. I'm not him. I'll never be him. Why do I miss that appearance? That wasn't me. It can never be me. Never ever,ever it could be me. Never in my entire life.")


Then before Peter even realized it he had destroyed that other mirror as he looked to see that there is blood coming from his hands, and there was broken glass on the desk.It honestly scared him that he did that as he realized that he just that easily when he saw that reflection. But he doesn't understand why he missed it he shouldn't have missed that digital reflection. But he did. It was just so confusing as he knew the clean up this mess as the blood continued coming out of his hands.

So he went over to his bathroom and started to carefully grab the first day kit, without causing too much pain in his hands as he opened it and grabbed the materials he needed.He then went over carefully, taking the glass that was in his hands out carefully.

Once that was done, he used his now free hand from the glass to take out the rest of the glass from the other one.As soon as all the glass was out of his hands, he noticed how there was blood on that glass soon after putting some bandages on his hand palms.

As that's where the glass came in and the blood came out he went over and picked up the glass from the bathroom, and from where he destroyed that mirror and threw it in the garbage.Once that was done he sat down on the floor, processing everything that was happening.

He doesn't understand why he feel as weird sensation of relief when he saw his old digital reflection. That doesn't make any sense it was like he almost missed that version of himself. He shouldn't, but at the exact same time he did.

As he felt completely lost on what to do. It just felt so confusing for him. As he felt like he was in the body of a ghost since he escaped the digital circus and he missed his digital form it just didn't make any sense to Peter anymore. Maybe when everyone else comes back to the office, he could ask if they had the exact same issue because right now he felt completely hopeless in the situation.

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