Chapter 12 Liquid memories

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As it had been so long since leaving the amazing digital circus things have been very strange to say the least. It would make sense after being trapped in there for so long.But there was a feeling of guilt perhaps how things ended looking back on it became clear why everything was like that to begin with.As it turned out that the reason why everything was like that is because it was a kids game.

It made so much sense how they have not noticed that while trapped in there was beyond their understanding.As there was supposed to be more of the game, including more artificial intelligence, but something happened that made it like the way it was and they left.But that's still the excuse what they've said there, as there was a feeling of guilt now knowing why.

But there was still nothing that could be done as all of them were taking a break because they needed it, at least until everything that happened to them smooth over.So there is some time before going back to the amazing digital circus as there was some things that have to be done before all of that such as unwinding. Because, after dealing with all of that, it was clear that there needed to be a break.

So maybe going to Rachel to see how she's doing ever since coming out of there will be nice and to catch up. But it felt weird honestly been back in the real world at least for Bailey did. Maybe it was because after being in there for so long, it made sense after coming back to reality things will feel different from before.

As there is a lot to do before going back there as it felt weird being back here after so long so many things just felt familiar but distant at the same time.So maybe visiting Rachel will make them feel better as they knew each other even when they had no memories of before.

That's the strangest thing honestly but somewhat convenient as well.As it is very hard for them to readjust to everything after being trapped there for so long.But it also felt alien as well. Maybe it was because of being so long trapped there.

(" Everything feels so weird. Is it because it's been so long since I've been back here in reality. That must be the case it's been so long honestly. Maybe I should visit Rachel now it's been a while. It could also help me shake these feelings out of my system.")

As there is so much to relearn about reality as there is so much to rediscover about reality as there is so many other things to do.So Bailey decided to head over to a job, but one of the things they've just relearned about reality again is hunger as it has been sometimes since they've eaten anything.So they decided to have something to eat before heading out to see Rachel.

But once they return back to the kitchen they feel like something is missing as they might've gotten into used to being in the amazing digital circus.As they've gotten used to the bright colours and the unique scenery there practically everything in that place. So looking at the kitchen they can't have a feel like it's hollow as they needed to eat something before visiting Rachel.

There is the fact that they've been seeing their memories in real life when they were in the circus, it felt strange honestly because it doesn't feel like their memories, but the exact same time it does.Why is it that they felt like they were a ghost in their own body maybe it was because of how long they've been in that place.

But they're not going to focus on that because they need to get something to eat, then visit Rachel.As is usual that is going to be difficult because they may have forgotten how to eat with their mouth, considering how their digital body was in the circus.

So they are trying to figure out how to eat properly again as it was difficult.With any attempts trying to eat normally again, but whenever they do, they stopped and look at their hands. Bailey can't help but be frozen in place as their hands look like that in the digital plane after snapping out of it again.

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