Chapter 5 Puzzle pieces

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It is very clear that there is something wrong in the world at least to Caine it didn't make any sense. Where was everyone else and how come they weren't out to meet the new members of the troop.It is very confusing. What exactly happened and why can't he remember anything? He must've blacked out.

It was the only answer to that situation, but where was the rest of the troop and why was that fog covering the entrance to the city?That is simply confusing to say the least. He needed answers to figure out what was going on. Maybe his assistant can help.But it is going to be difficult to find him, however Bubble did always like to do hide and seek everywhere.

So it was going to be difficult to say least and defining him but that was just a typical day that the ringmaster had to deal with.So then after looking around as he realized that he should've probably stayed with the new members of the troop, but he was just so confused, and he wanted to figure out what was going on.

Besides, it was just a visit to see the leader of the gloinks nothing bad could happen there after all.But it is not easy, finding his assistant, if anything Bubble is really good at hiding so that was going to be an issue to say the least. Though Caine is a little bit concerned about the whereabouts of his assistant normally it wouldn't take him this long to find him.

So where did Bubble headed off too it isn't like his assistant at all to be hiding for so long.Soon after he is moving around, looking everywhere for his assistant in the tent, but Caine is having some trouble locating his assistant, as he continued levitating throughout the tent, trying to find Bubble.It is very concerning to say the least sure his assistant might be a bit much, but Bubble always does the best he can.

As Caine continue on looking for his assistant as he stopped to see him there, looking at the stage that was weird. Normally his assistant was never like that.Because Bubble always made sounds whenever playing hide and seek so why is it that he was being so quiet now was he here the whole time?It is very confusing, but Caine wasted no time as he had off to his assistant as he can't help but think of what is going on right now.

("I don't understand what's happening what is everyone and why is there a fog covering the entrance to town? What exactly happened I can't remember not to mention new members of the troop that I sent to the queen of those little pest. Normally I would go along with them but there's nothing I can do about it now and besides it's just those little pest and their leader what can they do?But I still should've gone off and help them but I want answers as to what exactly is going on.But it's unlike Bubble to be so quiet as it completely out of character for him, I don't like it at all. Hopefully I can get some answers out of him, but knowing how I woke up with no memory of how I got there I'm pretty sure my assistant is in the same position as me, but it wouldn't hurt to at least try.")

So when Caine had arrived close to the stage, his assistant did not notice him, as that was unusual to say the least, as Bubble, just staring out there on the stage as apparently, there was also some drawings there well.Then Caine decided to clap his hands together when he did do that that caused his assistant to snap out of whatever thought he was in as he noticed his boss there.

"Oh!...... sorry about that boss. I didn't notice you were there. Did you send the new troop members on the adventure already? Shouldn't you already be there with them because this is the first time after all."

"I normally would have but I wanted to see if you have any answers of what happened when I blacked out I'm pretty sure you did as well. But I don't understand. Where is everyone else? And why is there a fog covering the entrance to town? It's not only the troop from the circus that missing. There's also the carnival, including the lake, missing its crew. I've tried calling for you, but you didn't respond. Why were you here? I thought you were playing hide and seek."

"I'm sorry I didn't respond back to you boss. I was trying to find everyone I don't know where they all are.As I don't remember much like you. I just remember waking up and seeing the new members of the troop. Everything is just so fuzzy. There's so many missing puzzle pieces to all of this right now. I kind of got lost and thought when I thought of drawings there I really hope he's fine. It's not like him at all to leave these here."

Then Caine knew what Bubble meant by that as he then looked at the drawings as he then went over to pick up the drawings as he knows these are his drawings. It wasn't like him at all to leave these behind.So it very concerning to say the least for the ringmaster to see these drawings left behind that everything was just so confusing. Even his assistant doesn't know what's going on.

It's like pieces of a puzzle that is happening right now.As it is just so confusing for Cane not to mention worrisome as well. It wasn't like him to leave these drawings like that as he would always bring them to the ringmaster, including to his assistant. Everything didn't make any sense anymore as it was just so confusing it was like a puzzle and there are missing pieces to it.

As it is very perplexing as to what exactly is going on. It just didn't make any sense as it was pretty clear that his assistant was also confusing all of this.But Caine how to hope that whatever is happening has an answer as right now he is just so confused as to what exactly is going on.

[TW warnings for the next chapter: Identity crisis. Blood. Broken glass.]

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