Chapter 15 Back to work

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It had been months, but that is enough time for the employees the company to come back to the office and continuing to work on the amazing digital circus as there is a lot to do.But there is a lot to deal with still as there is a huge amount of issues that still need to be ironed out, but now wasn't the time for that.It is strange, seeing everybody in the real world it must be because they were so used to the appearance and the digital reality.

So it is a little awkward seeing them in their actual bodies as it feels strange to say the least maybe because they were so used to being in the digital world for so long. As that is only natural that they were used to seeing each other in their digital forms.But now is not the time for that because there is a lot to do now as there is so many things that needed to be finished.

While it is then confirmed that the amazing digital circus is somewhere else in the company.As there is so many things to do at the office with there being a conversation about some other characters there as that seem to make Allison curious.

About this information, because it is very interesting to say the least so that is something that needed to be discovered.But there is sometime before there is anything else to be done as there is nothing to do at the moment so now is for work.There is so much work to do ever since being trapped in the amazing digital circus, including taking a long break.

So there is a lot of work as there was a lot of paperwork. Luckily, it wouldn't be so long as it wasn't that much to do anyways.Soon there is some work left to do as Allison realize that there some similarities between the different bodies of the digital and the physical world.

But there are some differences as well as there is Candace, for example had the same red hair in the digital world but there is more detail to the hair. Including how there a very familiar smile from Peter as that is all too familiar for everyone.

There is also how that same annoyed expression that is on Bailey it is also clear that there is a lot more detail. So that was the other thing that was familiar but also different at the exact same time.Then there is Rachel having the same expression of worry and anxiety hanging around close to Bailey.

Like what they did when they were trapped in the amazing digital circus but it feels different from before. Maybe it was because they were out in the real world.Then there is the jittery expression that Kurt has as it was clear to tell who is who in this situation, but there was also so much differences as well.Because it is the reality as there is a lot more details, though it felt strange honestly.

Soon there is so a lot of back and forth conversations about the amazing digital circus.It is strange. Honestly it wasn't really the fault of the digital world there. It was the fault of that glitch or virus. Whatever it is that caused all of that to happen in the first place.There is also so many regrets because out of everything it wasn't really that digital world's fault.

It was designed for children after all, so there was no idea they couldn't have known that not to mention the fact that the artificial life forms there are sentient.They are  already going through so much including the fact that they can't seem to understand negative emotions only up to a certain point before becoming completely overwhelmed.

All this started because of the company that they didn't have enough time to create firewalls to protect the virtual reality of that glitch.That isn't even fair at least to Allison it wasn't but something else was interesting at the office.So it only became clear that there is a conversation going back and forth between some employees.

The conversation about the employees is about some characters in the amazing digital circus. Now, these characters were new and had just appeared out of nowhere.Soon there is some interesting information about all of this.So it is a very interesting conversation as there is a lot of information about the amazing digital circus.

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