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Year 1879

A mansion in central London houses the three Moriarty brothers. In their daily lives, the eldest, Albert James Moriarty is a military soldier for the government, an earl, and the head of the Moriarty household. The middle child, William James Moriarty is starting work as a mathematics professor at Durham University. And finally the youngest, Louis James Moriarty is the caretaker of their mansion; but as night falls that's when things get quite...peculiar.

As the clock stroke midnight, all civilians can be found at home with their doors tightly locked as they knew of the horrors that shall unfold this night, just like every other night.

"Louis, are you ready?" a voice can be heard throughout the mansion, it was the second brother William.

"Yes brother" Louis answers smiling up at his older brothers as he puts on his cloak.

"Then let's go" William smiles as the three brothers exit through the front door of the mansion, on to their nightly activities.



A scarlet liquid that runs through the veins of almost all living creatures on earth, but a human's blood tastes especially the best.


"Cheers!" The three brothers clinked their wine glasses filled with a certain scarlet liquid and downed the drink within a moment's notice.

"Such a beautiful cloudless night isn't it?" Albert remarked after resting his glass onto a tray.

"It most certainly is" William answered looking quite content as he did the same as his older brother.


The next morning, like clockwork, another noble was found in their mansion drained of all their blood. It was quite the mystery to all of London and where there's a mystery there's a detective not too far behind.


Chapter 1 would be out soon.

Date: Friday 17th November, 2023 9:44PM

Instagram: @ dazai.chuuya.15 & @ soukoku.Sherlock
Twitter: @ rialovessoukoku
Tik Tok: @ rialovessoukoku

Thank you for reading the prologue, now onto the next chapter!

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