chapter 2

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"It seems a certain detective is looking for the culprits responsible for the draining of the nobles blood" William says as he hangs up his coat and hat after a long day. "It was just a matter of time" he smiles as Louis placed a cup of tea on the table in front of him as he sat down.

"Yes, and I would like to hear what he's deduced from the situation at hand" Albert responded as he took a sip of his own tea. "The tea is lovely as usual Louis" Albert praised as Louis looks away with a slight blush on his fair cheeks. "Thank you brother".

"I agree Albert, I too would like to know what conclusion he has come to" William agrees as he reads the daily newspaper clasped within his slender fingers.

"So, who are we visiting tonight William?" Albert asks as William places the newspaper onto the table. William pulls out a picture of their next target from the pocket inside of his blazer.

"Him" William places the picture onto the table so that both Albert and Louis can take a good look at the man. This particular noble is guilty of extortion and blackmail, he threatens people and organizations in order to obtain money, in other words 'buying his silence'.


It is now midnight. As usual everyone's locked inside their houses as to not be preyed upon by whatever is lurking in the shadows of this city at night. The three brothers are now dressed in their cloaks as they leave their mansion for the night. Quietly and swiftly running through the darkness of the night the three brothers arrive at their destination, the manor of the detestable noble.

"On this beautiful night, let's go deliver some punishment" William says as he leads the way into the manor.

Both Albert and Louis make sure all of the manor's maids and butlers are knocked out with the chloroform that they brought as William makes his way to the master bedroom.

Quietly entering the room, William's figure loomed over the bed with the sleeping noble lying in it. "Goodnight Mr. Heinz, and goodbye" William says in a low voice as he restricted the man's airways by strangulation, there are different methods to kill someone that William can use and tonight he chose strangulation.

Albert and Louis both walk into the room after fulfilling their duties and the three brothers feasted upon the fresh blood. They would usually drink the blood while the victim is alive as oxygenated blood tastes better, but that's only if their victim is awake when they arrive since they'd have to attack before they're seen.

Teeth sinking into flesh, blood flowing from the body into their mouths, that's how it's always been as vampires do in fact exist.

Vampires may be small in numbers, but they exist. And only vampire nobles can turn a human into a vampire.


The next morning arrives as another noble was made a victim in the late hours of the night and had all their blood drained.

An emergency meeting is currently taking place in the house of lords and Albert sits among them, everyone unaware that he is the one responsible for the 'draining' as they're calling it, along with his brothers.

"We can't let this continue! We have to do something!" one noble shouted among the numerous arguments that are currently taking place. "How do you expect to do something if we're not even sure how this is happening?!" another noble countered and they all continued like that.

Having had enough, Albert stands up as he takes his leave. Walking down the hallway, he gathered his belongings as he left the building with a smile on his face. He has no time to listen to them argue as he has more important things to do.


"Good morning Director Holmes" Albert greeted the man with a small smile. This is Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock Holmes' older brother and a man with the highest position within the British government.

"You're here early today Lord Moriarty, isn't there a meeting currently going on in the house of lords?" Mycroft asks as he places his paperwork to the side, giving Albert his undivided attention.

Albert places his things down as he takes a seat on the chair in front of Mycroft's desk. "There is, but they were all arguing and I'd just about had enough of all the noise they were making" Albert explains as he looked Mycroft in the face, his smile still ever present.

"Hmm" Mycroft hummed as he sifted through the papers on his desk looking for one in particular, picking it up and handing it to Albert.

Albert read it's contents silently as he saw the bold words marked confidential on it. "What do you think?" Mycroft asks as Albert finishes reading it.

"Are you sure about this?" Albert looked at the man quizzical, wanting to know if he's being serious.

"I am" Mycroft answers as he stands up looking out the window behind his desk. Albert watched the man's every movement as he turns back around, eyes looking down at Albert sitting in the chair. "Do you agree to do this?" Mycroft asks as he watches Albert stand up getting ready to leave.

"I'll go get my team" Albert smiles as he leaves the director alone once more in his office.

At home Louis gets a telegram from Albert saying that he wouldn't be home tonight as he had a sudden important job to do for the military.

"Looks like it's just us tonight Louis" William says as he arrived home later that evening holding the message from Albert.

"Yes" Louis smiled as they both got ready for their nightly deeds once more, just like clockwork they both headed out at midnight.


Date: Sunday 3rd December, 2023 9:19PM

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Thank you for reading chapter 2 of Scarlet Love <3

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