chapter 1

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Sherlock sighed deeply as he threw the newspapers onto the table, another noble found drained of all their blood and there's no realistic or logical conclusion as to why.

"Would you like some tea Sherlock?" a beautiful lady wearing a pink dress asked the very stressed out detective, she was the building's land lady Miss Hudson.

Sherlock just grunted as to not snap at the lady and she started pouring him the tea. "Try not to stress yourself out too much Sherlock, you always solve all of your cases and I'm sure this one is no different" Miss Hudson said in an attempt to cheer up the poor detective.

"You are the world's best detective after all" Miss Hudson remarked which caused a huge grin to appear on Sherlock's face. "You're right Miss Hudson! There's no time to be sitting here sulking!" Sherlock shouted before getting up and darting out his apartment door.

"He's too easy" Miss Hudson sighed as she shook her head at the detective who is now long gone to investigate the crime scene.

Sherlock arrived at the now deceased noble's mansion as he investigated every inch of the room the body was found in, but of course he came up empty handed.

Once again Sherlock scratched his head in frustration as he leaves the room. "Oi Lestrade! Where's the body! I want to take a look at it!" Sherlock shouted at the man from his frustration almost scaring the man half to death.

"But Sherlock you know that everyone who has been drained of their blood needs to be immediately prepped for burial or else they'll turn to dust" Lestrade explained to the man.

"Yes I know that but a little inspection wouldn't hurt now would it?" Sherlock insisted and the inspector sighed deeply.

"Fine, but only because I'm also a bit curious as to what you might find on the body" Lestrade told Sherlock which earned a huge grin from the detective in front of him.

As they arrived at the mortuary Lestrade requested to see the body as he presented his police badge.

They were immediately taken to see the body, and as Sherlock inspected the body swiftly but carefully he found something on the victim's neck.

"Look here Lestrade, two punctures at the base of the neck 2 inches apart" Sherlock showed what he found to the inspector and the man's eyes widened.

"Is that how the blood was drained?" Lestrade asked the detective who was still looking at the wound with furrowed eyebrows.

"Most likely" was all Sherlock responded with as the detective's mind ran a mile a minute.

Lestrade watched as Sherlock's face contorted as his mind went into overdrive, suddenly he turned to the inspector with a smile on his face, "Let's discuss this over lunch shall we" was all Sherlock said before he left the room they were in, leaving Lestrade behind who stood there dumbfounded.

After catching up with Sherlock they entered a diner and sat down waiting to order. After ordering their food Sherlock finally spoke up.

"Earlier when you asked me if the two punctures at the base of the neck was how the blood was drained it caught me off guard because first of all I don't think you can drain all the blood from a person's body from 2 holes that are barely 1 cm in diameter and 1 inch deep" Sherlock explained and Lestrade's eyes widened for the second time that day.

"So when you said most lik-" Lestrade started but was cut off with a "shush" from Sherlock.

"I'm not finished yet" Sherlock said with a finger to his lips.

"Now that may be the case logically but those were the only wounds found on the body, meaning that the blood has been drained from there, and for blood to be drained from there it was most likely sucked out of the body" Sherlock said as he took a bite of the food that was just placed in front of him.

"Sucked out of the body?!" Lestrade was beyond bewildered at this point.

"Sucked out by what?!" Lestrade asked baffled.

"Who knows, maybe vampires do exist" Sherlock answered as he peeked up at Lestrade to see his reaction to that answer.

Lestrade grabbed his forehead and started laughing quite loudly as he earned stares from everyone else in the diner, but despite all the laughing he looked quite stressed.

"That's a joke right?! Sherlock tell me you're joking!" Lestrade asked looking at the young detective in front of him.

"Unfortunately I'm not" Sherlock answered and with that Lestrade got up leaving money behind for both of their meals because he knows Sherlock definitely doesn't have any on him at the moment and left the diner.

Sherlock watched as the man left heading in the direction of Scotland Yard headquarters and just sighed.

Returning back to his residence at 221 B, Miss Hudson greeted her tenant at the front door. "Welcome back Sherlock" "I'm home" Sherlock responded with a small smile.

"How did it go today?" Miss Hudson asked as she poured him a cup of tea, but he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Miss Hudson do you believe that vampires are real?" The sudden question caught her off guard and she started laughing.

"I was afraid that might be your answer" Sherlock just sighs as he lights a cigarette and puffed out some smoke.

Staring up at the ceiling Sherlock thought about how likely can vampires be real but it wasn't realistic at all and even goes against his own beliefs, what the hell was he thinking anyway?


Here is the promised chapter 1 which isn't soon in any way XD

Date: Sunday 26th November, 2023 7:02PM

Instagram: @ dazai.chuuya.15 & @ soukoku.sherliam
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Thank you for reading chapter 1 of Scarlet Love <3

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