chapter 17

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Sinking his teeth into his neck, William straddled Sherlock as he fell onto his back. Sherlock then rested a hand on William's waist and covered his mouth with his other hand.

“Mmm” Sherlock groaned as William sucked on his neck. And after drinking for some time, William let go and sat up.

Sherlock watched as William's eyes glowed a brighter red as blood leaked from the sides of his mouth making Sherlock's face and ears turn red.

Whenever a vampire sucks on the blood of a human intimately, both parties are then aroused in pleasure.

“Sherly~” William moaned as he ground his hips down onto Sherlock's.

William then dived back down once again, this time capturing Sherlock's lips in a heated kiss.

“Mmm Liam” Sherlock groaned as he rested a hand on the base of William's neck to deepen the kiss.

Completely ignoring the storm outside, they were both now absorbed in their own little world of pleasure.

William unbuttoned the rest of Sherlock's shirt and removed it from where it was tucked into his pants.

Separating their lips, William sat up once again and admired the the well toned body of Sherlock's under him.

“Hmm. I don't think it's fair that I was the only one that got undressed you know” Sherlock smirked looking up at William as he put both hands behind his head.

William chuckled and started stripping too but was stopped by Sherlock.

“Please, allow me” Sherlock said as he sat up, all whilst William was still straddling him.

Sherlock unbuttoned William's waist coat removing it then untied his tie, William watching every single movement Sherlock made.

Sherlock then pushed William onto his back, Sherlock's jacket still being there so that William doesn't have to lie on the dirty ground.

Unbuttoning every single button on William's shirt slowly, William started losing his patience as he suddenly pulled Sherlock down for another kiss.

“You're taking too long” William said right before smashing his lips onto Sherlock's.

After unbuttoning his shirt, Sherlock also unbuttoned his pants.

Grabbing onto Sherlock's neck, William pushed him away from the kiss.

“My my, I only said that you're taking too long and you also went straight to unbuttoning my trousers?” William smirked up at the man currently hovering above him.

Sherlock chuckled and William can feel his voice vibrating in his throat.

“Liam. I love you” Sherlock suddenly said catching William off guard as he went back in for another kiss.

Sherlock then moved down to his neck leaving dark red marks in his wake.

“Sherly~” William moaned his name once more gripping on to his hair and removing the hair tie.

Whilst Sherlock left lots of hickeys on William's neck, one of his hands roamed William's body making its way lower and lower until it found its destination.

Slipping into William's pants, Sherlock made William moan once again as he fondled him.

“Sherly sto-” William didn't finish speaking as he gasped mid sentence, still sensitive and erect from before.

“What's wrong Liam?” Sherlock smirked as he removed his face from William's neck.

“I'll make sure you pay for thi- ah~” William was cut off once again by Sherlock's sinful hand as Sherlock himself gazed down lovingly at the man under him.

“Please Sherly” William whimpered, much too aroused right now to speak properly.

“Please what? Tell me what you want Liam” Sherlock whispered in a low dominating voice.

“Mor-” William gasped once more as Sherlock continued to tease him.

“What was that?” Sherlock smirked once more as William attempted to glare at him.

“Fine fine, you'll get what you want” Sherlock sighed giving in to William's unspoken desires.

Truth be told, Sherlock actually can't hold himself back for long when William looks like that underneath him.


Over an hour later the storm had finally died down as they were now able to leave the old building.

Sherlock helped William put his clothes back on as they shared one last kiss before leaving. And once again they hadn't gone all the way since they were definitely not going to have their first time be in an abandoned church.

“Liam, do you think same sex couples would be allowed in the future?” Sherlock suddenly asked making William turn to him with a smile.

“Who knows, but I sure hope so. Everyone has a right to love whoever they want as one cannot control their own emotions” William answered which satisfied Sherlock.

“I agree” Sherlock said as he reached into his pocket for a cigarette and a box of matches.

“It's getting quite late now isn't it” William checked his pocket watch, the time saying 4:25 PM.

“Then allow me to walk you home” Sherlock removed the cigarette from his lips and spoke.

William just chuckled and agreed as they made their way back to the Moriarty manor.

After what seemed like a fifteen minute walk, they finally arrived as Sherlock bids William farewell.

“I'll see you on Saturday Liam. I should get going now before your brother sees me” Sherlock said looking genuinely terrified that Louis would come out of the house with a knife in hand.

William just chuckled as he waved Sherlock off before going inside.

“Welcome home brother” Louis greeted William with a smile as usual.

William returned the smile as he informed Louis that he will be going to take a bath.

“I'll prepare dinner, so by the time that we're both finished brother would also be home” Louis said and William nodded.

After making his way upstairs, William filled the bath with warm water and then started stripping.

He then looked in the mirror and saw all the marks on his neck and chest left by Sherlock making him smile and run his finger over them.

Getting into the tub filled with water, William just sighed and relaxed as he thought about every single thing that happened today.

This was quite possibly one of the best days William has ever had, which when he thinks about it, it's kind of sad.

William sighed once more as he submerged half of his face into the water as thoughts invaded his mind.


Date: Sunday 21st April, 2024 9:36PM

Instagram: @ dazai.chuuya.15, @ soukoku.sherliam, @ daily._.soukoku, @ daily._.sherliam, @ daily._.hualian, @ daily._.moriartybros
Twitter / X: @ rialovessoukoku
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Thank you for reading chapter 17 of Scarlet Love <3

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