chapter 3

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William was walking down the street by himself when he heard a familiar voice call out to him "Liam!", It was Sherlock Holmes, the famous detective.

William recalled the day they met as he turned around to face the man who called him by a nickname that he gave to him himself, Sherlock's the only one to ever call him by that name.


They met a few months ago by chance when William was walking around aimlessly, and as he was deep in thought he bumped into someone, looking up to apologise to the person he met eyes with the now famed detective.

"My sincerest apologies" William apologised as he bowed showing his sincerity. "No need to apologise, you're a noble after all" Sherlock says with a smirk which intrigued the man. "How-" William was about to ask a question when he got cut off.

"How did I know you were a noble? Easy. From the way you walk and carry yourself to the way you speak, even the way you're standing right now gives it all away" Sherlock explains as he eyes the man in front of him.

"But you're different from other nobles aren't you?" Sherlock says as he leans closer to William while smirking. "What do you mean?" William asks as he looks Sherlock in the eyes. "Well you're nicer than most nobles that's for sure... But there's something else; I can't quite put my finger on it..."

"What's your name?" William asks with a faint smile on his lips, he just had an idea. "Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective" Sherlock introduced himself smiling at the blond in front of him.

"Very well deduced Mr. Detective, I am in fact a noble. My name is William James Moriarty" William also introduced himself. "Moriarty? From the military?" Sherlock asked and William chuckled, "No, that's my older brother, Albert" William explained and Sherlock nodded. "Hmm let me guess, you're just on your way back from a case?" William says which shocked Sherlock.

"How-" Sherlock started but was cut off by William. "How did I know that? Easy. The contented look on your face that says 'a job well done', you're definitely not from around this area either and between you and me" William says as he leans closer to Sherlock, "There's a drop of blood on your shirts sleeve" William finished explaining with a satisfied smile on his face.

Sherlock looks at the edge of his shirts sleeve and low and behold the tiniest drop of blood had settled onto his clothing, that must've happened when he was inspecting the body from earlier.

Sherlock laughs as he's now intrigued by the man in front of him too while William just looked at him with a smirk on his face. "You saw that from there?! You intrigue me, Liam" Sherlock comments as William's eyes widened by the nickname.

Truth be told, William didn't see the blood, he smelt it.


As those memories wash over William in a flash, he greets the man in front of him, "Good morning Mr. Holmes" "Morning Liam!" Sherlock says in his usual chipper voice whenever he's encountered William. "You're quite happy this morning, did you find something useful in the ongoing draining case?" William asks genuinely. "Nope! I'm only happy because I got to see you this morning Liam!" Sherlock says as hyper as a golden retriever.

William's face flushes a bit at Sherlock's forwardness. "So? What's up?" William asks turning his entire body to face Sherlock letting the man know he has his full attention. "I want you to help me on this case" Sherlock requested and William's eyes widened in surprise, true William and Sherlock both solved a case before but that was on a whim.

"You want me to help you?" William asks genuinely surprised, "Yes! So will you?" Sherlock asks again and William seems to think for a moment. "Hmm... Is it alright if I go home and think it over?" William asked and Sherlock nodded "Sure, I just hope you say yes" Sherlock winked at William which made the blond chuckle.

"Thank you, I'll let you know by tomorrow" William says as he turns to leave. "I look forward to hearing a yes!" Sherlock shouted over at William as he watched the man walk away, William chuckled once more as he shook his head.

Later that evening William told his brothers about Sherlock's request, Albert had just come home that evening too after two days away.

"That's wonderful William, that way we can keep detective Holmes dancing in the palm of our hands" Albert said and William agreed.

"I was just thinking the same thing brother" William says as he smiles at his brothers.

Once alone, William wondered what was this feeling in his chest, he shouldn't be feeling this way towards the detective. The first time he felt this feeling was after solving that case with said detective. "What is wrong with me?" William whispered to himself as he did more research on tonight's victim.

At 221 B Sherlock wondered the same thing, "Why am I always so happy whenever I see Liam?" Sherlock whispered to himself as he clutched his chest.

"This is wrong"

Both parties say at the same time as they tried to gather themselves.

Sherlock went to bed for the night and William and his brothers go to their next victim.


What is this feeling? They've both never felt it before, but they both hope that their questions will be answered soon.


Date: Sunday 10th December, 2023 8:00PM

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Thank you for reading chapter 3 of Scarlet Love <3

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