chapter 15

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“Mmm” a figure groaned as the blood was sucked from his neck.

“Your blood always tastes so sweet” another figure said as he licked his lips.

The first figure stood up and pinned the other to the desk in front of him.

“Albert” the first figure groaned once more as he stared at the man beneath him.

“Yes director Holmes?” Albert replied with an innocent yet sensual voice.

“Fuck...” was all Mycroft said before kissing Albert passionately, grabbing his waist and pulling his body closer.

Disconnecting their lips, Mycroft moved a bit lower loosening Albert's tie, kissing and sucking at his neck making the man moan.

They were both currently in Mycroft's office, Albert came early this morning to discuss the plans pertaining to the new MI6 division serving directly under the queen.

Mycroft has known of the existence of vampires for quite a long time too, he even knows that all three Moriarty brothers are vampires courtesy of Albert.

And he even knew the reason why a lot of nobles were being found drained of their blood, why? Because Albert told him.

Mycroft let the brothers do as they wished because all of the nobles that were killed were bad nobles, after cleansing the country of their tainted ways, this country shall surely become a beautiful one.

“Mycroft” Albert moaned running his fingers through the director's hair making the man look up at him.

Albert grabbed his face locking their lips once more as Mycroft started unbuttoning the buttons on Albert's shirt.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, “Director Holmes there's someone here to see you” Mycroft's secretary spoke through the door.

Removing his lips from Albert's he responded, “Who is it?”

“It's your brother sir, and Mr.Moriarty's brother” the secretary answered making both Albert and Mycroft look at each other.

“Wait two minutes before sending them in” Mycroft told his secretary and the man left.

“What do you think they want?” Mycroft asks Albert as he helps him up from the table.

“I might have an idea” Albert chuckled knowing his brother very well.

After they had finished fixing their clothes and hair the secretary let both William and Sherlock into the office.

“Liammmmm, why did you make me come hereeeee?” Sherlock whined as they walked through the door, intentionally saying it now so that his brother would hear.

“You don't want to see your own brother Sherly? You wound me” Mycroft said making Sherlock roll his eyes.

With a quick scan of the room with his keen eyes William chuckled lightly.

“Can I speak to my brother for a moment please?” William asked still chuckling.

William and Albert walked to a corner of the room and started whispering to each other making the Holmes brothers just stare at them.

“Now I know why you left early this morning” William chuckled some more trying not to laugh too hard.

Albert looked at his brother quite amused and asked, “What is it?”

“Your neck” William answered holding back his giggles at Albert's reaction.

“Don't worry it's not that noticeable but I do know you dear brother” William reassured making Albert sigh a sigh of relief.

“For your information I didn't come here to do just that” Albert huffed in a joking manner making William chuckle once more.

“Why are you two here anyway?” Albert asked making William turn to Sherlock.

“I thought we should tell him, he's the only one that doesn't know yet” William answered and Albert nodded.

“Director Holmes, don't you think it's time to tell him?” Albert asked the man sitting in his chair behind the desk.

Mycroft stood up and walked around the desk.

“What is going on?” Sherlock asked looking at his brother walk closer to him, both William and Albert also came closer so that they can see Sherlock's reaction.

“Sherlock” Mycroft called with a heavy voice startling Sherlock, Mycroft rarely uses that tone of voice with him.

Sherlock looked at William but William just smiled back at him reassuring him.

“Do you know who the culprit is in the "draining" case?” Mycroft asked first to make sure.

“Of course I do, it was Liam and his brothers” Sherlock answered without thinking about what he was saying.

“And you just made a great mistake” Mycroft said confusing Sherlock.

“What do you mean?” Sherlock asks becoming frustrated with his brother.

“You just told me who the culprit was. What if I didn't already know? I'd have had the three of them executed that's what” Mycroft revealed and Sherlock rolled his eyes but deep down he was quite relieved that Mycroft had already known or else that would have gone pretty badly.

“Of course you already know, you're Mycroft” Sherlock said making the man raise an eyebrow at him.

“Are we done here? And as if you'd execute Albert when you two just had each other's tongues down the other's throat” Sherlock stated bluntly making both men choke on air and causing William to laugh.

“You're quite perceptive aren't you? Come here!” Mycroft shouted and ended up chasing Sherlock all around the room, William and Albert looking quite amused.

After all that running Mycroft stood in front of the Moriarty brothers with Sherlock in a headlock.

“Let me go you gorilla!” Sherlock shouted trying to get out as Mycroft just ignored him and spoke.

“Albert I'm sorry for what my brother said just now” Mycroft apologised and Albert shook just head.

“It's fine” Albert chuckled.

Beside him William just stood there trying to suppress his laughter as he watched Sherlock struggle to get out of Mycroft's grip on him.

“Liam don't just stand there and laugh! Help me!” Sherlock requested and William actually started laughing loudly.

Sherlock stopped struggling for a moment as the sweet sound of William's laughter flooded his ears.

Mycroft realised this and raised an eyebrow then chuckled.

“Of course he fell in love with him” Mycroft thought to himself and looked at Albert who was looking at his own brother laugh.


Date: Sunday 7th April, 2024 8:37PM

Instagram: @ dazai.chuuya.15, @ daily._.soukoku, @ daily._.sherliam, @ daily._.hualian, @ daily._.moriartybros, @ soukoku.sherliam
Twitter: @ rialovessoukoku
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Plot twist! Mycroft knew! And now they're all having fun together ❤ hopefully Louis doesn't find out 😂

Thank you for reading chapter 15 of Scarlet Love <3

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