chapter 9

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Night after night William carried out his plan all on his own, Louis tried to stop him but his mind was already made up.

William actually wants to die.

And night after night Sherlock has tried to catch William but William will only be caught if he wants to be caught, Sherlock knows that much already.

“Are you sure you don't know who the culprit is by now Holmes?” Inspector Lestrade asked the detective, hoping to put an end to this case already.

“No I don't! How many times do I have to tell you that?!” Sherlock yelled which caught the inspector off guard.

But Sherlock does know, and he's trying to protect him. Why? Even Sherlock couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he does know that he'll do everything he can to protect William.

Based on what William said a few nights ago, they will be meeting again and Sherlock can't wait.


“This is the last one” William said as he approached the mansion while drawing the sword from his cane.

“All sinners and evil deeds shan't go unpunished”

Making his way into the mansion, he quickly and quietly knocked out all of the maids and butlers as usual.

With graceful steps, he strode all the way over to the beautiful staircase and ascended them.

“Which is why it will end with me”

As he made it to the top of the stairs, someone was already there waiting for him.

“Liam, that's enough” Sherlock pleaded with the man as William stood there glaring at him.

“How did you know that I will be coming here?” William asked, but as soon as Sherlock opened his mouth to answer William cut him off.

“Wait. Let me guess. Louis told you where I'd be, didn't he?” William answered his own question as Sherlock averted his eyes.

“That doesn't matter” Sherlock neither confirmed nor denied it which meant that was right.

“Mmm” William just hummed at Sherlock's response.

“Out of my way Sherlock” William requested quite calmly, but Sherlock stepped closer to him closing the gap a bit.

“I am not moving from this spot until you agree to leave with me” Sherlock boldly said making William squint his eyes at the detective.

“I have to kill that man!” William shouted, not caring that he'd alarm his target since it will still be easy to kill him.

“Well that's too bad! Because I already killed him! With this gun!” Sherlock shouted back as he threw his gun onto the floor.

William's eyes widened as he took a step back, Sherlock was never supposed to kill anyone yet, now he will be convicted of murder if the police finds him guilty and it's all William's fault.

“Don't do that. Don't make that face” Sherlock said as he took another step closer to William.

“I know what you're thinking, it's written all over your face as clear as day. You're thinking that it's your fault that I killed that man right?!” William looked up at Sherlock stunned.

“Well it's not! I made the decision to kill that man myself!” Sherlock shouted as he took another step closer.

“Liam, that man was one of the vampires involved in the killing of your parents wasn't he?” Sherlock asked and he can see the pained expression on William's face.

“How do you know that?” William whispered as his voice trembled but Sherlock still heard him in the silence of the night.

“Your brother told me, and he also admitted that he wanted to be by your side when you kill this man but you left him behind” Sherlock said making William's breath hitch in his throat.

“Liam” Sherlock fondly says as he reaches a hand out to William.

“Stay back Sherlock! Don't think I didn't see you slowly edging closer to me!” William shouted as he pointed his sword towards the detective.

Sherlock threw his hands up into the air as if he was surrendering.

“Liam, I just want to talk” Sherlock said softly as he lowered his hands.

“There's nothing to talk about, I bet you already told the yard that I'm the culprit and they're probably already on their way here aren't they?” William said equally as soft as he looked down with a saddened face.

William's hurt expression made Sherlock's heart ache, he never wants to see him make that face ever again. So Sherlock has made up his mind, he's going to save William.

“That's not true, I never told anyone who's the culprit of this case and there aren't any police officers on their way here. It's just you and me” Sherlock said and William can tell he's telling the truth.

William slowly lowered his sword as he decided to hear what Sherlock has to say first.

“Liam, how dare you think that I'll live a long and happy life without you in it!” Sherlock shouted as he quickly walked up to William this time and grabbed his shoulders. William's eyes widened by this, both by his words and his actions.

Sherlock didn't care if William hurt him.

“I didn't tell the police because it hurts thinking about a life without you in it!” Sherlock continued to shouted as he made his frustrations clear.

“Sherly” William said fondly as he grabbed Sherlock's hands on his shoulders and removed them. Sherlock's eyes widened at this, not at William's actions but because of the name he just called him. Sherlock felt an indescribable feeling at that moment.

“I am a bad person, I killed people, and for that I chose to atone with my life. The truth is, I never once thought that I was doing the right thing. A person doesn't have the right to bestow judgement upon another person” William admitted making Sherlock's eyes widen.

“What about me? I just killed a man too didn't I?” Sherlock asked but all William did was show him a forced smile.

“That's incomparable to what I've done. My hands are stained in scarlet and I've made up my mind” was the last thing William said before he lunged at Sherlock.


Date: Sunday 21st January, 2024 10:43PM

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Thank you for reading chapter 9 of Scarlet Love <3

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