chapter 11

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Sherlock's face turned red as William smirked at him, “What's wrong?”

“Liaaaaammmm!” Sherlock groaned as he hid his face on William's shoulder making the blond chuckle.

“Don't be so loud, you don't want anyone catching us now do you?” William whispered as he patted Sherlock's head making the detective wrap his arms around his torso.

Sherlock then mumbled something but William didn't hear it so he asked “What did you say?”

“I said I love you, Liam” Sherlock repeated as he looked up at William's expression from his shoulder.

William's eyes widened as he looked down at Sherlock. Seeing his unconvinced face, Sherlock stood upright, looked William right in the eyes and said it again.

“I love you Liam, I always have. From the moment we met I couldn't stop thinking about you because you intrigued me, and every time we met I felt a certain way, I can't really describe it. One time I even asked Miss Hudson what is love, which made her faint...” Sherlock chuckled at the memory.

“I really love you Liam” Sherlock declared as he grabbed and held William's hands in his own.

A single tear fell from William's eye as he tried his hardest not to cry.

“How can you even love me when I've killed so many people? My hands are stained with their blood and it can never be undone. How can you even love me when I'm a vampire?” William asked as he looked Sherlock in the eyes, his tears now flowing.

“Liam. I fell in love with the person you are, a kind, smart, sympathetic individual. I don't care about what you've done or who you are. I love you for you” Sherlock explained as he hugged William.

“Liam” Sherlock called as he let go and cupped William's face gently in his hands, afraid that his smooth, porcelain looking face might break if he wasn't gentle.

“I know you. And I know that you may want to atone for the misdeeds that you have done because you're just that type of person. So I ask you, atone with me, for I have also sinned and stained my hands in scarlet” Sherlock pleaded with the man.

“Sherly” William sobbed as he suddenly surged forward and clung onto Sherlock's clothes.

“Shhh” Sherlock comforted him as he buried his face in his chest as he cried, Sherlock can tell that he's been keeping his emotions bottled up for quite a long time, and he can now help put the blond's worries at ease.

“Liam, why don't you go home. I'm sure your brothers are worried about you” Sherlock requested which made William gasp.

“I have to apologise to them” William sniffled as he pulled away from Sherlock's chest.

“Then come on, let's go” Sherlock said as he held out his hand so that William can take it.

William looked up at the detective and watched as the wind ruffled his hair under the moonlight. Beautiful. William stared in awe as he took his hand.

As Sherlock guided William home, the two of them enjoyed each other's company in the comfortable silence.

William looked at the man who was still holding his hand and smiled, “This is the man who saved me, he saved from myself” William thought to himself.

Sherlock looked back to see a content smile on William's face so he smiled to himself.

They've finally arrived at the Moriarty manor and as Sherlock was about to leave William stopped him.

“Please, Sherly. Come inside with me” William asked with pleading eyes and Sherlock definitely couldn't say no.

They walked up to the front door and William took a deep breath.

“Will you be okay?” Sherlock asked and William nodded.

William slowly opened the door as he and Sherlock walk into the threshold.

There they saw Albert and Louis who turned to look at them both.

“I'm home” William said sheepishly as his brothers ran to hug him.

“William!” They both cried out as they hugged him making Sherlock veer to the side.

“Welcome home” Albert and Louis both say in unison as they let go of him, Louis then faced Sherlock.

“Thank you, Mr. Holmes. For bringing my brother back” Louis thanked the detective with a bow.

Nodding, Sherlock gestured to William to catch his attention.

“Liam, I'll be going now” Sherlock his farewell and turned around.

“No! Please stay a little longer” William once again pleaded for him to stay and he sighed.

Albert, Louis and Sherlock all took a seat as William made tea for all of them, Louis asked to help but William insisted he'd do it himself.

Serving the tea, William also sat down.

“Albert, Louis. I'm sorry for all the trouble I put you through. I acted horrible, cold and distant these last few weeks and I am truly sorry” William apologised as he looked down feeling ashamed.

Louis and Albert both looked at each other and smiled softly.

“William, it's okay” Albert said making him look up.

“Yeah, we understand why you did what you did, but I do want my big brother back now” Louis told him which made William's eyes well up with tears.

“Sherly. I'm also sorry for putting you through all of this too” William apologised to the detective as well making him smile.

“It's okay Liam, I just wanted you to be with your family again” Sherlock said as he made sure to choose his words wisely whilst in front of his brothers.

William just smiled as he realised this.

After talking late into the night, Albert retired to bed, and so did Louis.

“So Mr. Holmes, what did you actually want to say?” William asked making Sherlock's eye twitch at what he'd called him.

“I wanted to say that I'd do anything to save you, no matter how many times, again and again I will save you. In this life and the next” Sherlock declared as William's eyes widened, he was about to say something but Sherlock cut him off.

“Yes, I mean it” Sherlock answered his thoughts as it was his turn to return that kiss.

William then suddenly stood up from his seat.

“Let's go to my room”


Date: Sunday 4th February, 2024 10:47PM

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Thank you for reading chapter 11 of Scarlet Love <3

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