chapter 10

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Sherlock jumped backward dodging William's sword. Every strike and every slash was dodged effortlessly by the detective, but that was only due to the fact that he can read William well right now.

At the moment he can tell that William's emotions were all over the place, any normal person would've missed it but Sherlock can tell that he was in distress.

And when you've spent every moment staring at William the way Sherlock had whenever they were together, it'd be like second nature to you.

“Liam stop! I know you don't want to do this! It's written all over your face!” Sherlock shouted as he was backed into the master bedroom.

The moonlight shone into the room on this cloudless night, and it reminded them of that night, when they were all alone in the deceased noble's mansion where William opened up about hating vampires.

“Liam. Do you actually hate vampires?” Sherlock asked as the man stood there looking at him.

“I do. They killed my parents after all” William answered and Sherlock nodded.

“But you're also a vampire” Sherlock stated even though that was obvious.

“I am. Which is why I want you to kill me” William replied as he threw Sherlock's gun at his feet. He grabbed it when they were fighting in the hallway.

Sherlock just stared at the gun on the floor without saying anything.

“Pick up the gun Sherlock Holmes, and put an end to the criminal you've been seeking all this time” William told him.

Sherlock did as told and picked up the gun, he then walked toward William whilst aiming the gun at him, and right at the very last second Sherlock threw the gun back onto the floor and grabbed William's sword by the blade.

The sharp blade sliced the skin of his palm making his hand bleed, but he persevered and forced the weapon out of William's hand with a hiss.

Throwing the sword to the side, Sherlock cornered William against a wall.

“Liam, that's enough” Sherlock said softly as their faces were close to each other's, but William was only looking at the blood dripping from Sherlock's hand.

Every few seconds a drop of the scarlet liquid dripped onto the floor forming a pool beneath Sherlock. The detective noticed this and raised his hand, he watched as William's eyes followed the movements of his hand so he asked.

“Liam, when was the last time you've consumed blood?” Sherlock's words caught William off guard as he fixed his eyes back onto the man in front of him, it was only then had William realized just how close Sherlock is to him.

“Its been...two days” William answered as he looked away again, this action made Sherlock chuckle.

“Do you want some?” Sherlock suddenly asked which made William turn his head sharply to face him once more.

“No” was all William responded with as he glared at Sherlock.

“What? Does my blood sound so unappetizing?” Sherlock asked with a slight pout which made William sigh.

“Its not that it sounds unappetizing, I just don't want to hurt you” William admitted making Sherlock laugh.

“Says the man who just tried slicing me with a sword!” Sherlock said loudly as he continued to laugh making William turn red from embarrassment.

“Shut up” William muttered as he turned away again, Sherlock stopped laughing as he looked at William again.

“Are you sure you don't want it?” Sherlock asked in a whisper once more making William growl and snatch his arm.

As the blood leaked down the side of Sherlock's arm, William ran his tongue over the trail of blood starting from his forearm all the way up to his palm.

He gently licked at the blood on the open wound as Sherlock just stared at him, watching his every movement.

“Liam” Sherlock called making William look up so that he can see the bright red glow of his eyes, it's one of the most beautiful things he'd ever seen. The most beautiful thing being William himself.

Sherlock suddenly grabbed the side of William's face as he stroked his cheek with his thumb looking deeply into those scarlet eyes.

William finished as he wiped his mouth, “Was it good?” Sherlock asked and he nodded, “It was” William whispered.

“Liam, what do you feel whenever you're with me?” Sherlock suddenly asked making William's eyes widen.

“I-I don't know” William answered unsure of the feelings he'd felt.

“Does your heart beat quicker?” Sherlock asked and William nodded, “How did you know?” William asked.

“I feel the same way whenever I'm with you too” Sherlock answered and William nodded once again.

“Sherly, what could this feeling mean?” William asked and Sherlock's eyes widened because that's the second time he'd called him that.

“Can you say that again?” Sherlock asked and William looked puzzled.

“What?” He asked tilting his head to the side pretending not to know what Sherlock was talking about.

“What you just called me” Sherlock groaned as he realized what William was doing.

“You mean 'Sherly'?” William whispered his name in his ear and at this point Sherlock had had enough.

“Let's go” Sherlock grabbed William by the arm as he dragged him out of the mansion.

“Where are we going?” William asked and Sherlock suddenly pulled him into an alleyway cornering him.

“What's wrong?” William asked suppressing a smirk making Sherlock sigh.

“You're back to your usual self huh?” Sherlock said making William chuckle.

“You did it again. You made me forget my original goal, my original plan. You made me feel like myself again. You made me feel like everything's alright. You made me forget why I was fighting. Whenever I'm with you, Sherlock, you brighten up the darkest areas of my life, and I thank you for that” William smiled at Sherlock and he can feel his heart pounding in his chest.

“Liam-” Sherlock started but was cut off, with a kiss.

“You don't have to say anything, I already know.”


Date: Sunday 28th January, 2023 11:31PM

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Thank you for reading chapter 10 of Scarlet Love <3

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