chapter 7

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“Come take a look at this Liam” Sherlock called out so that William can inspect the body. Seeing the two holes, he looked at Sherlock.

“So what do you think Liam?” Sherlock asked as he looked at William. “Well if your theory about vampires is true then it will explain this” William answers gesturing to the body.

“Wait! How do we know it's not a needle?” Lestrade asked and Sherlock rolled his eyes.

“I've already explained this to you! The hole is too wide to be a needle” Sherlock said losing his patience with the man.

“Now now Mr. Holmes, as this may be a supernatural case the inspector may not be able to keep up” William slyly remarked as he smiled innocently.

“Hey!” Lestrade shouted after realising what William meant, Sherlock just sighed and shook his head.

“So Mr. Holmes, if your theory about vampires proves to be true. What are you going be do?” William asks the detective watching his every movement.

“I haven't thought that far yet” Sherlock admitted and William sighed smiling.

“Inspector, can you leave us alone for a moment?” William requested which earned him a questioning look from both Sherlock and Lestrade.

Though the inspector reluctantly agreed and left the room after seeing the forced smile on William's face.

It was now just William, Sherlock and the dead body left in the room.

It was a cloudless night in London, the moon shone brightly through the window onto the two of them as William looked at Sherlock seriously this time.

As the wind howled and the temperature dropped, Sherlock can sense something was off about William.

“Sherlock, how much do you believe that vampires are real?” William suddenly asked interrupting the tense atmosphere.

“As I said, it's just a theory but it's the only plausible answer to this case” Sherlock answered and William nodded.

William's scarlet eyes shined in the moonlight but they looked a bit different than usual, Sherlock could have sworn that William's eyes glowed brighter at that moment.

“Liam, why did you agree with me when I told you that vampires may exist?” Sherlock asked this time. “Do you actually believe that vampires exist?” Sherlock asked another question.

“I do” William answered with a sigh.

“Why do you believe that vampires exist?” Sherlock asked yet another question, his hunch about William being a vampire may be true after all.

“Because I've seen one before” William answered truthfully, Sherlock can tell.

“You've...seen one?” Sherlock asked shocked.

“Yes, because a vampire killed our parents” William whispered and Sherlock's eyes widened.

William then started thinking back to the day it happened.


Two brothers wandered around an orphanage one morning, the older one helping the ladies who took care of them and all the other children at the orphanage with his intellect.

It was quite shocking really, the brothers are both quite gifted when it comes to intelligence even at their age, that's quite possibly because they were found at an old abandoned library and taken to the orphanage.

“Come read for us!” a little girl, a few years younger than the brothers shouted as she grabbed them by their hands and dragged them outside so that they can read for the rest of the children.

“Louis! Do you want to read for them today?” the older brother asked as he smiled at his younger brother.

“S-sure” Louis replied and took the book from his brother so that he can read to the other children that have now surrounded them.

Whilst Louis was in the middle of reading the book, the older brother noticed the carriage of a nobleman pull up outside the orphanage and out came a young boy, a few years older than him.

The boy spoke with the ladies at the orphanage and he can tell that this boy has frequented this orphanage many times before.

It was only later that he found out that boy was Albert James Moriarty.

A lot of things happened leading to the two brothers being adopted by the Moriarty family.

One night in their room at the Moriarty residence, the three boys gathered to discuss their final plan. That's when the older brother revealed to Albert what they truly were.

“We're vampires” the older brother said as his and Louis's eyes glowed brighter, baring their fangs at Albert as he stared at them in awe.

“We came from a noble vampire family, unfortunately our parents were killed by another vampire noble, so we detest nobles just like you do” the older brother explained to Albert of his and Louis's origins.

“Become a vampire Albert, and you'd be able to reach your dream much faster than a normal human. Only vampire nobles can turn people into vampires by the way, which is to say Louis and I both have the ability to do that” the older brother says as he reaches a hand out to Albert.

And with that, Albert took the boy's hand as he allowed him to turn him into a vampire.

The boy bit into Albert's neck, but instead of drawing blood he gave it instead.

The blood that was given to Albert forced his cells to change throughout his body and when that was finished, Albert's canines grew longer and sharper. Of course he'll have to learn to make them longer and shorter on command so that he'll be able to blend in with humans.

That night they attacked Albert's parents and brother, set fire to the mansion and escaped before the entire building can collapse on them.

“Who are you?!” a yard officer asked as the three of them emerge from the burning building.

“Albert, Albert James Moriarty. And these are my brothers William and Louis” Albert says smiling as they sought medical attention.


“I hate vampires” William told Sherlock as the detective looked at him.

“That is why I wish to get rid of them” William said as he looked at Sherlock. “Will you help me?” William asked the detective with pleading eyes.

“Of course I will” Sherlock responded as he's determined to help William in whatever way he can. William sighed content with Sherlock's answer.


Date: Sunday 7th January, 2024 9:19PM

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Thank you for reading chapter 7 of Scarlet Love <3

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