chapter 16

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“Liam, can we leave now?” Sherlock whined interrupting William whilst he was speaking to Mycroft.

“We'll leave when I'm finished speaking to director Holmes, this is very important” William told Sherlock making him pout.

Sherlock then approached William from behind and wrapped his arms around his waist, resting his head on William's shoulder. Albert was watching every single move Sherlock made and looked quite amused by it.

“William, we can't let Louis find out” Albert said trying to hold back his laughter.

“Knowing Louis, he'll find out anyway” William chuckled and both Sherlock and Mycroft had a look of fear on their faces.

William and Albert both saw this and started laughing.

“You two are going to have to try and get Louis' approval if you want to be with us” Albert started.

“Which is going to be very hard” William finished.

“He doesn't like us does he?” Sherlock asked with slumped shoulders.

“It's not that he doesn't like you, it's just that he doesn't want anyone taking us from him” William explained and somehow the Holmes brothers' situation got a little more difficult.

Sherlock and Mycroft both looked at each other and then back to William and Albert with determined faces.

“We'll try to win him over no matter what” they both said at the same time making the Moriarty brothers chuckle.

“Okay Sherly let's go” William called and Sherlock happily followed.

Albert and Mycroft both watched as they left then turned to each other.

“Are you going to be okay?” Albert asked with a chuckle and Mycroft sighed.

“I think you just made us even more nervous than we already were” Mycroft admitted looking even more stressed out than usual.

“You'll be fine” Albert kissed his forehead and Mycroft calmed down a bit.

“The worst he can do is kill you both and drain your blood though” Albert continued and Mycroft is now as pale as a ghost.

“I'm joking” Albert said hugging him, “Maybe” Albert then whispered to himself also looking somewhat worried.

“What did you say?” Mycroft asked and Albert pulled away from the hug.

“Nothing!” Albert suddenly shouted a little too loudly and Mycroft raised an eyebrow at his behaviour.

“Would you look at the time! I've got to go now! See you later!” Albert shouted once more and left making Mycroft sigh.

“We're dead” Mycroft said to himself resting his head on his desk.


“Louis won't kill us right?” Sherlock asked looking genuinely scared.

“Probably” was all William said and Sherlock could have sworn his soul just left his body.

“Liammmmm" Sherlock whined causing the man to chuckle.

William and Sherlock were both now just walking down the street aimlessly as they didn't know what to do now.

“Do you want to go and see a play with me this weekend?” William suddenly asked with a sweet smile on his face, and obviously Sherlock couldn't and wouldn't refuse.

“Sure! Is it by Shakespeare?” Sherlock asked and William nodded.

“He's my favourite playwright” William revealed and Sherlock felt blessed to know that.

“I want to show you something” William suddenly said and pulled Sherlock along.

Around ten minutes later they arrived at their destination, it was an old church.

The windows were broken and it was very dusty inside.

“Wait here” William said letting go of Sherlock's arm and walking to a spot behind the alter.

Lifting the carpet and opening a compartment on the floor, William retrieved a box.

“What's this?” Sherlock asked taking the box from him.

“Open it and find out” was all William said with a small smile.

Sherlock opened the box and looked at the papers inside, they were birth records. Quite specifically William and Louis' birth records.

“Liam, is this your real name?” Sherlock asked and William nodded.

“The name I currently use is merely Albert's brother's. William James Moriarty was his name, he was killed by Albert himself” William explained.

“It suits you” Sherlock suddenly said.

“What?” William asked wondering what he meant.

“Your real name, it suits you” Sherlock repeated looking at William lovingly.

There was the sudden sound of thunder outside making the pair look outside the windows.

It started raining heavily, meaning they were stuck in the church for a while.

“What do we do now?” Sherlock asked and William shrugged.

“We'll just have to wait out the storm in here” William said preparing to take a seat on the dirty floor.

“Wait!” Sherlock suddenly shouted making him stop.

“What's wrong?” William asked as he turned to look at Sherlock.

“The floor is dirty, here let me help” Sherlock explained as he took off his jacket and laid it on the floor so that William can sit without ruining his clothes.

“Oh, thank you then Sherly” William thanked him and planted a soft kiss on his cheek making Sherlock's face a bit red.

Sherlock then took it upon himself and sat on the dirty floor next to William.

William opened his mouth to say something but decided not to, he already knows how stubborn Sherlock can be sometimes.

“Hey Liam, have you ever loved someone before? Romantically I mean” Sherlock suddenly asked and William turned his head to face him.

“No I haven't, have you?” William returned the question and Sherlock shook his head.

“You're the first” Sherlock admitted and William's ears turned red.

“Same here” William smiled at him.

William's stomach suddenly grumbled making his face go red with embarrassment.

“Are you hungry?” Sherlock asked smiling at William as he nodded his head.

“You can drink some of my blood if you want” Sherlock suggested and William shook his head in refusal.

“Sherly I simply can't -” William started but was cut off by Sherlock grabbing the back of his head and bringing his face closer to his.

“Liam, I'm asking you to” Sherlock clarified and William swallowed hard.

Sherlock then unbuttoned the first three buttons on his shirt and moved it to the side exposing his neck and shoulder.

“Well?” Sherlock waited.

William then moved closer and looked at the spot on Sherlock's neck where he had previously bitten.

“This will hurt” William whispered even though Sherlock already knew that.


Date: Sunday 14th April, 2024 8:25PM

Instagram: @ dazai.chuuya.15, @ soukoku.sherliam, @ daily._.soukoku, @ daily._.sherliam, @ daily._.hualian, @ daily._.moriartybros
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Looks like the Holmes brothers needs approval from Louis, how do you think it will go? 👀

I hope you enjoyed chapter 16 of Scarlet Love <3

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