chapter 4

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Early the next morning Sherlock received a telegram from William saying that he will help him on this case, William also requested to see Sherlock at the cafe near his apartment.

Sherlock got ready quickly as to not keep William waiting and hurried out the door leaving Miss Hudson wondering what on earth could possibly have Sherlock hurrying out the door this early.

It didn't take long for Sherlock to get to the cafe and when he walked inside he saw William having his breakfast.

"Liam!" Sherlock waved catching William's attention. "Mr. Holmes! You're early. Good morning" William greeted after taking a sip of his coffee.

"Good morning" Sherlock also greeted sitting on the opposite side of William with a big grin on his face. William looked quite amused to see the man this chipper so early in the morning.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" William asks before they can get to the topic of discussion. "Nope" Sherlock answered feeling a little embarrassed as his stomach grumbled.

"You can order something, I'll pay" William says as he let out a giggle as Sherlock blushed a faint red on his cheeks. "But-" Sherlock started but was instantly cut off by William, "No buts Mr. Holmes" William insisted and Sherlock complied ordering what he wanted.

Sherlock decided to make small talk while he waited for his food so he asked "How are your brothers doing?", William looked at Sherlock knowing he's just trying to make small talk so he answered.

"They're doing well, Albert came back home after being away for two days, and Louis is keeping things tidy around the house as usual" Sherlock examined William's face as he spoke and if he's being honest with himself, this man is beautiful.

"How come you've never hired a maid or housekeeper?" Sherlock asked as his food arrived, "That's a really good question, I'll have to ask Albert" William gave a forced smile clearly avoiding answering the question.

Sherlock paid no mind to William's answer as he was just trying to make small talk in the first place, "So Mr. Holmes, what have you found out about the case so far?" William asked getting right to it.

Sherlock took a sip of his coffee before he answered, "Hmm... When I first started looking into the draining victims' case I hadn't found anything in particular which was quite odd, how can a person's blood be drained from their body without a single wound?" Sherlock says as William listened closely.

"But I was mistaken, there were wounds" William widened his eyes at this statement, "So what did you find?" He asked the detective, quite interested in his answer.

"At the base of one of the victim's necks there were two small holes, as a small as a person's canine tooth actually, a man's canine tooth to be specific" Sherlock finished and he looked at William to see his reaction, there wasn't much of a reaction though.

"So? From this what did you deduce Mr. Holmes?" William asked leaning onto the table. Sherlock seemed quite embarrassed to say it though.

"I'm afraid that you'll laugh at me too, like Lestrade and Miss Hudson did" Sherlock explained his uneasy feeling and William smiled.

"I wouldn't laugh at you, I promise" Sherlock looked into William's beautiful scarlet eyes, he's being genuine.

"Okay here it goes... I think vampires are real" Sherlock looked at William for his reaction but William just stared at him.

"I know vampires were a legend from long ago but what if they're actually real and live among us? And it's not just some old fable people told their children to scare them" Sherlock reasoned while William just stared at him.

"You actually may be right Mr. Holmes" William finally says after his long silence. "Wait! You actually believe me?!" Sherlock looked surprised that William agreed.

"Mhm. It's the only thing that makes sense. Besides, I also believe that vampires are real" William admitted which left Sherlock stunned.

"You do?! This is wonderful Liam! Now my theory doesn't seem so far fetched!" Sherlock was beyond happy that the only smart person he knew agreed with him.

"There's just one problem Mr. Holmes, how are you going to prove that vampires are real?" William asked looking up at the detective who was now standing due to his excitement.

"We'll set a trap!" Sherlock suggested as he took his seat once more, elbows on the table to lean closer to William. "A trap?" William asks seeming unsure.

"Mhm! So what do you say Liam?!" Sherlock asks still excited.

"I'd agree but how are you going to set a trap? The vampire only attacks nobles right, specifically nobles who have done misdeeds" William reasoned and Sherlock's shoulders slumped.

"Argh! There's always something!" Sherlock shouted frustrated this time, William giggled at this and rested his hand on Sherlock's hand that was balled into a fist on the table.

"I'm sure you'll come up with a better plan, after all you're Sherlock Holmes, the greatest detective right?" William reassured him with a wink which made the detective smirk.

"Liam, you really do know what to say to lift a man's spirit don't you?" Sherlock complimented and William withdrew his hand from on top of Sherlock's.

William let out a light laugh as he eyes the detective opposite to him, there was a glint in those scarlet eyes that Sherlock didn't miss and he smiled quite fondly at the blond.

"Well if you'll excuse me Liam, I have some planning to do" Sherlock got up from his chair and William stood up too placing his hat on his head. "I'll send you a telegram when I've come up with something Liam" Sherlock says looking at William as he smiles.

"I'll be waiting Mr. Holmes" William says as they both walk out of the cafe together, after William paid of course.

A carriage was already waiting for William outside, Sherlock can tell its the Moriarty family's as he can see the famous family crest on it. Sherlock waved William goodbye as he walked back to his apartment building.

"So Will, what does Holmes know?" Albert asked as soon as William got home.

"Well, he suspects it to be vampires" William answered as he watched Albert's eyes widen and Louis almost drops the teapot he's holding.


Date: Sunday 17th December, 2023 8:49 PM

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Thank you for reading chapter 4 of Scarlet Love <3

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