chapter 14

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William and Sherlock both enter the nobleman's mansion and bounded the stairs to the master bedroom where they found the lifeless body of the man killed by Holmes.

The body laid in bed as if the man was sound asleep but the bullet piercing the man's skull said otherwise.

The two men approached the body and began "analysing" it, Lestrade keeping watch from the doorway.

“Inspector, at what time do you presume that he had been murdered?” William asked and Lestrade looked to be in thought.

“Could be around the same time the other murders took place, right after midnight” Lestrade answered and William nodded in agreement.

“Were there any bullets found in the body?” Sherlock asked already knowing the answer to that question.

“Surprisingly, no, there weren't any bullets found in or around the body” Lestrade answered this and Sherlock nodded in understanding.

Of course there weren't any bullets found because both William and Sherlock decided to get rid of any and all evidence that the police may find, and yes that does include everything down to the tiniest hair strand.

The Yard was called after one of the mansion's maids called the master down for breakfast, when he didn't show the maid found it quite peculiar and went to check on him. There is where she met the horrifying sight of her dead master.

William and Sherlock looked at each other as if mentally agreeing on something then they turned their attention back to the inspector.

“Lestrade look, it has been months since this case has started and we're not getting any closer to finding the true culprit. Liam and I have been to many crime scenes and we still can't figure out what's going on. We even suggested that vampires may be real but this man wasn't killed by a vampire” Sherlock explained as best as he could leaving the rest up to William.

“I agree inspector, time and time again we have both examined the bodies of the victims and came up empty handed because we weren't 100% sure of what was causing these people's blood to be drained, and you said it yourself, this case has a 75% chance of becoming a cold case” William finished off having seemed to convince the inspector with his silver tongue.

Inspector Lestrade took into consideration the words of the detective and the second son of the Moriarty family who is renowned for his wits, and might I say looks, and came to a conclusion.

He called over some men who were waiting outside and had them remove the body from the mansion to take it to the city's morgue; the place where all bodies end up before burial.

“Thank you both so much for your hard work on this case, I thought that we may solve it due to your minds' expertise, but it seems as though we may have to let this case run cold for a while” Lestrade thanked them and they all vacated the mansion.

After parting ways with the inspector and the rest of the yard, both William and Sherlock took a quiet stroll down the street.

“That's quite the skill you've got there Liam, the way you lied like that almost had me convinced too” Sherlock complimented with a chuckle.

“Well in order to tell a good lie, you must sprinkle in some of the truth” William casually stated and Sherlock agreed.

“Do you want to get something to eat Liam?” Sherlock asked as they approached a cafe.

“Sure, I didn't get to finish my breakfast this morning anyway” William chuckled softly and Sherlock swore that he had just seen an angel.

“After you” Sherlock says as he pushes the door open to the cafe in which William thanked him and commented on his gentlemanly gesture.

The pair sat at a table and ordered what they wanted then decided to have a quiet chat whilst waiting for their food.

“Liam, do you remember when we first met?” Sherlock asked and William smiled.

“Of course I do, I never did stop thinking about our first encounter, I still think of it even now” William responded with a smile on his face.

“When we first met I remember thinking 'he's beautiful'” Sherlock admitted and William chuckled.

“And then on the first case we solved together, I think that is when I truly fell in love with you. How can someone be as beautiful and as smart as you are? It's really not fair” Sherlock continued as William looked at him with widened eyes.

“Oh? Did I leave my dear Liam speechless?” Sherlock smirked.

William regained his composure and then shot back.

“Why don't we see who's left speechless after I su-” William started in a low whisper but stopped speaking after seeing the waitress approaching the table.

Sherlock's face was left tinted red making William chuckle as he started eating.

“Come on Sherly, you don't want your food getting cold now do you?” William said innocently, watching as Sherlock processed what he was going to say.

“Liam that's not fair” Sherlock commented making William laugh.

“I have the day off, would you like to spend it together?” William asked with an innocent smile on his face.

Sherlock's eyes brightened as he heard that, frantically nodding as he gets to spend the day with his beloved.

They both finished eating quickly as they paid and got ready to leave, Sherlock once again opening the door for William as they exited the cafe.

They were now both walking side by side down the street when Sherlock suddenly asked,

“Liam, do you think we'd be together in another lifetime?” William was caught off guard by this question and turned to look at Sherlock who had a serious expression on his face.

William just smiled and answered, “I sure hope so”.

Sherlock looked at William, his hand wanting to grab William's hand but unfortunately for him they were in public.

“I really hope that one day people can love whoever they want, and not be scorned for it” Sherlock thought to himself as he continued walking beside the man that he loves.


Date: Sunday 1st April, 2024 11:45PM

Instagram: @ dazai.chuuya.15, @ soukoku.sherliam, @ daily._.soukoku, @ daily._.sherliam, @ daily._.hualian, @ daily._.moriartybros :D
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I know I haven't updated in more than a month but I'm back today! Also Happy Birthday William!!!!!!

I hope you enjoy chapter 14 of Scarlet Love <3

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