chapter 6

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That night William and Sherlock met up with each other as promised so that they can go after the culprit.

“Good night Mr. Holmes” William greeted the detective with a smile, Sherlock returned the greeting as he also smiled seeing William again.

They were currently standing in front of Scotland Yard headquarters as the yards men prepared for their patrol of London. Sherlock had managed to convince Inspector Lestrade to send his men out on patrol, even if it meant they'd die.

“Mr. Moriarty, it's a pleasure to meet you again” Lestrade said as he remembered the first time they met. “Likewise inspector” William reciprocated with a smile.

“I'm sure with you here Sherlock would be able to solve this case in no time!” Lestrade said as he patted Sherlock on the shoulder. Sherlock looked away as William looked in his direction.

“I also hope that we can solve this case given how challenging it is for Mr. Holmes here” William teased Sherlock making the man's head whip back around to look at William.

“Liam you cheeky rascal!” Sherlock smirked at the man who stood feigning innocence, Lestrade coughed awkwardly and the two looked over at him, suddenly remembering that he was still there.

“Sorry about that Mr. Inspector” William apologised, a small smile still displayed on his lips. Sherlock looked at William whilst he was still smiling but didn't say a word.

“It's almost time to head out” Lestrade told them and they nodded, he then excused himself hoping to never witness what just happened ever again.

William and Sherlock both laughed watching the man retreat, they knew what was going on in Lestrade's mind and looked at each other. “Let's not do that in front of people again” Sherlock said with a grin plastered on his face, “I agree” William replied with a giggle.


It was now past midnight and everyone has been keeping an eye out for movements made in the shadows, but as hours go by there was not one sighting of a single person.

William smiled to himself as he knew they were not going to find anyone tonight as he himself had mapped out a safe route for his brothers to use, and with a vampire's speed they wouldn't be caught even if the yards officers got too close.

“Liam, come with me” Sherlock suddenly said and grabbed William by the wrist dragging him into a nearby alley so that the officers wouldn't see them.

“What is it Mr. Holmes?” William questioned Sherlock's sudden actions as he and the detective were now in a dimly lit alleyway. They both stood facing each other in silence before Sherlock spoke up.

“Liam, how do you feel about me?” it was obvious that the question had caught William off guard as his eyes widened, Sherlock looked at William intently as he waited for his answer.

“I- uh-” this was the first time William had ever stuttered as he looked for the right words to say, but he couldn't find them.

“I don't know what to say” William admitted as he looked away from Sherlock's gaze.

Sherlock didn't say anything, he just silently stared at William. Looking at his eyes and the way his eyelashes fluttered every time he blinked, his fair skin with just tinge of pink as he blushed from Sherlock's intent gaze, his rosy lips that make Sherlock go crazy every time he looks at them.

William slowly turned his head to look at Sherlock again. “Mr. Hol-” William started but was cut off by Sherlock, “Call me Sherlock” the detective requested which made William's already pink cheeks a shade deeper.

Sherlock couldn't help himself so he rested a hand on William's left cheek, softly and slowly caressing it. This action made William's breath hitch in his throat as he can almost hear his heartbeat.

Sherlock too can feel as his own heartbeat quickened but he kept his hand on William's cheek. As the two men stared into each other's eyes they suddenly heard a voice calling out to them.

“Detective Holmes! Mr. Moriarty! Where are you?!” Lestrade shouted looking for the pair.

Sherlock removed his hand from William's face and backed away, they both sighed as they exited the alleyway, but their hearts were still beating quickly.

“There you two are! I was looking for you everywhere!” Lestrade shouted as he looked at the two men returning from god knows where.

“We were um...” Sherlock started but couldn't think of anything as his mind was still clouded with images of William. “Patrolling somewhere else!” William covered for Sherlock and the detective glanced at him silently thanking him.

Lestrade looked at them both suspiciously for a moment but shrugged it off.

“Another noble was just found drained of their blood” Lestrade finally relayed the news to them as Sherlock's eyes widened.

“What?! How can that be?!” Sherlock shouted as he finally 'sobered up' from his dazed expression.

“Something's wrong here. How could this happen when we were all keeping an eye out for anyone out and about this late at night?” William questioned seemingly playing along with the whole ordeal.

Both the inspector's and the detective's eyes found their way on William as he stood looking to be deep in thought.

“Inspector, have you considered that vampires may be real?” William asked Lestrade and the inspector just raised an eyebrow at William's question.

“You also believe that vampires are real Mr. Moriarty?! I thought it was just one of Sherlock's stupid jokes?!” Lestrade shouted flabbergasted.

“Why would I joke about that?!” Sherlock shouted at the inspector clearly annoyed, which ended up in a shouting match between the two men.

“Alright! Don't we have something we need to be doing right now?” William said catching the attention of both men.

“I'm sorry. You're right Mr. Moriarty” Lestrade apologised then led the two men to the mansion where the body was found.

Sherlock inspected the body and sure enough it has two small holes at the base of the neck.


Date: Sunday 31st December, 2023 10:05PM

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Thank you for reading chapter 6 of Scarlet Love <3
Happy New Year everyone!

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