chapter 19

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“Sherly, have I ever told you that your blood was delicious?” It was a rhetorical question meant to be taken as a compliment which made Sherlock's ears turn a bright red. William smirked at this.

“I did say I was going to get back at you for what you did in the church right?” William remarked with such a sultry voice that stirred something up within Sherlock.

“I'd quite like to see what you'd do Liam” Sherlock retorted as he unknowingly played with fire.

“Is that a challenge Mr. Holmes?” William asked with a smirk making Sherlock grin and laugh loudly.

William looked down at Sherlock quite fondly and then suddenly kissed him making Sherlock's laughter stop abruptly.

“There, that shut you up” William smiled smugly as Sherlock looked at him with wide eyes.

“Liam you cheeky-” Sherlock was once again interrupted by William's lips on his, this time the kiss lasting longer than the previous one.

Parting from the kiss, Sherlock reached up and caressed William's cheek looking at the man he's in love with with such fondness.

“Liam, I love you” Sherlock professed his love for the man with such a soft and genuine voice full of love, it was sure to make a person cry.

“I love you too Sherly” William reciprocated with the same amount of love as Sherlock's.

Sherlock suddenly sat up with William still straddling him and started undressing, William made no movements as he just stared at the man in front of him.

“Like what you see Liam?” Sherlock smirked leaning back and propping himself up with his hands.

“Hmm what if I do?” William smiled leaning forward bringing their faces close to each other's.

Sherlock looked down and saw that William was still dressed, so he decided to do something about that first.

Moving his arms back in front of him, he also started undressing William.

Taking off his shirt, Sherlock ran his hands down William's body and brought them to a stop at his waist.

William then wrapped his arms around Sherlock's neck and started kissing down his jaw and neck, nipping and biting at the skin on his neck but never drawing blood again.

He then pushed Sherlock back down onto the bed and unbuttoned his pants.

Sherlock reached down to William's face and tilted his head up to look at him.

“Quite impatient now aren't you” Sherlock smiled and William moved back up to his face and kissed him.

Sherlock took this chance and flipped them over so that he's now hovering above William.

“As much as I like staring up at your beautiful face, I quite prefer this view” Sherlock stated as he looked down at William under him, his hair messy and making him look very attractive.

Sherlock leaned back down and kissed William again, William wrapping his arms around Sherlock's neck once more. But Sherlock's wandering hands started moving south as he unbuttoned William's pants.

“Sherly ahh~” William moaned as Sherlock stuck his hand into his pants.

“I'm sorry, I thought you said you were going to get back at me” Sherlock asked and he was quite smug about it too.

“Watch yourse- ahh~” William attempted to warn but was cut off by Sherlock's devilish hand again.

“Hmm? What was that?” Sherlock smirked and William glared at him but it didn't look like much of a glare since he was very turned on by now.

With that Sherlock wasted no time in removing both of their pants, he couldn't wait any longer.

Sherlock placed himself between William's legs and started kissing him. Kissing his lips, kissing his face, kissing his jaw, neck, chest and leaving love bites in unnoticeable areas all while his hand worked down below.

“Ahh~ Sherly~ I'm gonna-” William moaned finishing in Sherlock's hand.

“That was a lot Liam, even more than last time” Sherlock remarked which made William's face turn a bright red as he turned his head to the side panting.

Suddenly William jolted as two fingers entered him making him look back at Sherlock who was already looking at him with a smirk on his face.

“Sherly~” William moaned his name once more.

After minutes of moaning and writhing in pleasure, Sherlock pulled his fingers out.

“Are you ready Liam?” Sherlock asked and William reopened his eyes to look at him.

He eventually nodded and Sherlock entered him slowly.

William's back arched off of the bed as Sherlock's grip on his hips tightened.

“Ahh~ Sherly~” William moaned as his eyes teared up, “Move~”.

With that Sherlock started moving as he leaned down and kissed William, their bodies attached to each other's as they made love.


After a while they were both now lying next to each other in William's bed, bodies intertwined as Sherlock laid there playing with William's hair and listening to his soft snores as he slept.

Of course he's tired, it's been over an hour since they've been in this room and Sherlock should probably leave soon before he's caught by Louis.

Being careful not to wake him, Sherlock got out of bed and cleaned himself and William, got dressed and also changed the bed sheets.

And after leaving a note, Sherlock quietly left William's room and quickly left the mansion before he can get caught.

“Finally finished I see” Mycroft was outside waiting making Sherlock roll eyes eyes.

Mycroft just chuckled at his brother's reaction.

“All jokes aside now. Tell me Sherly, was that the first time you two have had sex?” Mycroft questioned looking at his brother as they both walked down the street.

Sherlock grumbled before answering, “Yes”.

After hearing that answer, quite an amused smile played itself on Mycroft's lips but he said nothing.

“Why don't we both go and have a drink together for once” Mycroft suggested and Sherlock shrugged, knowing that's a yes Mycroft walked them both to a bar not too far away.


Louis had gotten home a few minutes after the Holmes brothers left and he immediately knew that two extra persons were in the mansion.

He called for his brothers but there was no answer so he went upstairs to check and surprisingly they were both in their beds asleep. That was very unlike them, so Louis got suspicious.


Date: Sunday 12th May, 2024 9:20PM

Instagram: @ dazai.chuuya.15, @ soukoku.sherliam, @ daily._.soukoku, @ daily._.sherliam, @ daily._.hualian, @ daily._.moriartybros
Twitter/X: @ rialovessoukoku
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Congratulations to Sherlock and William on losing their virginity! :D

Thank you for reading chapter 19 of Scarlet Love <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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