'Take a Break~' {⭐} ~🏳️

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Authors note** Prof. Red/ Purple smut. Requested by emmarobertson4(see request chapter if u want to request) Thank you for requesting & being the first to do so! Sorry this took so long but I hope it was worth the wait! Longest one-shot I've ever written!

5562 words


Professor Red leaned over the table, working on his latest science experiment. It wasn't a very significant one but he'd been working on it just about all night. He took a sample of his serum and dripped it onto a petri dish. As he slid it under the microscope, his spouse wandered into the lab. Bored and lonely, Purple made his way to the lab table, leaning over his lover.

"It's past 11, Red" He noted.

Professor Red grunted with a nod "And?"

"You've been at it for what? 5 hours...?" Purple wrapped his arms around Red's shorter, although sturdier, frame "It's gettin' rather empty in the rest of the house, ya know."

He gave a hummed response "Mhmm"

"You could use a break." Purple bent down to rest his head on Red's shoulder "You know, just relax?"

"No time," Professor Red said bluntly.

Purple sighed "You never got time for anythin', anymore" He murmured.

"I've got work to do" Red swatted him away.

"But..." Purple caressed to both of Red's sides, leaning in to kiss him. A short and caring one, though Professor Red pushed him away.


"It's fine! I'm fine. I've gotta get this done."

"Maybe you haven't gotten it done 'cause you're tired? Ever thought of that?"

Red looked at him "That's just stupid, you're jumpin' to conclusions now."

Purple leaned closer, kissing his neck "Please? Come to bed, Raspberry"

"Purple, 'm not in the mood for your shit. I'm. Fine."

"You're not." Purple said, his concern seeping deep into his voice "You're really not"

Red let out a long, agitated sigh as Purple gave him a hickey on his shoulder "I was 'til you decided to bother me. This's why nothin' gets done."

"Mean" he teased. He knew not to take it to heart, as Red was just tired and stressed.

"Oh, please" Professor Red hissed "It's true! You do this all the time-"

"Cause if I didn't, you'd be up till the crack ass of dawn workin' on this shit!"

"Well, it needs to get done!"

Professor Red turned around to continue his work, but Purple persisted. He rubbed his hands against Red's hips and down his V-line. He traced his thighs, getting a small huff out of him. Red's hands started to shake, holding the glass slide and he tried to lock it into place on the microscope.

Purple then sauntered around him and obnoxiously leaned back to flaunt himself. Professor Red rolled his eyes but his body also ached at the sight. Purple pushed him away from the table and slid in between, caressing Red's hips and swaying his own hips cockily. Professor Red let out an angry, shaky sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Origin, Purple! Would you let me work!?"

"You've worked enough. At least take a small break? Please?"

"You're just horny, aren't you?"

"No, you seriously need to take a break." Purple pulled him closer, putting his head on Professor Red's "You shouldn't be working for hours an' hours at a time..."

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