Chapter 1

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8 years before

The best thing in being best friends with Lillian was that she had enough money that we could live together. Outside campus. The worst thing was... well... She left a crying woman every other week in our apartman.

On rare occasions she sent me to deal with them. And even though I understood that this was a very shitty thing for her, for us to do to those girls, I didn't really care. She was always straightforward with them, telling them what they could expect.

So as I walked home and got Lillian's text, that probably her last girlfriend would be in the house, I knew that I had to tell her that things between them were over. Not because Lillian was too cowardly to do it. She just didn't care enough. She was cold to most of the people, not showing any emotions most of the time. Maybe that would change with time, maybe it wouldn't. Only time could tell.

I didn't even try my keys in the door, it opened immediately. The thing was... I have never met her current soon-to-be-ex girlfriend before. And the moment I saw her, I knew that there was no way I would ever meet another girl that beautiful again. My breath hitched when our eyes met, hers so blue that I wanted to drown in them.

Dear lord!

Lillian didn't usually sleep with girls who were fresh out of school, only being in their first year here, so you could imagine the surprise on my face when I saw her.

"Hi." She looked up at me nervously, her voice quiet and gentle. "You are the roommate, right?"

"Yes." I nodded, smiling softly. I placed my bag on the table, taking my jacket off as I walked to the couch. "I'm Clara." I offered my hand.

"I'm Abbie." Her smile was too sweet and innocent to match with the passionate, intense girl Lillian was talking about.

"Would you like a glass of wine?"

"I'm only twenty." I raised my brows, a chuckle almost running out of my throat. "But sure, why not?" Pink color appeared on her cheek.


"You are adorable." The words flew out of my lips faster than I could think. I turned around hoping that my cheeks weren't as flushed as hers. "Here." I cleared my throat, handing her the glass.


"So, Abbie, I will get to the business right away." My heart beated incredibly fast, painful. I had no idea what was going on, I just wanted to get out of there, to get fresh air.

"Oh my God." Her jaw basically hit the floor.

"What?" I frowned, confused.

"She is breaking up with me, right?" Her cheeks flushed, redness covering her skin.

"I-" Shit!

"And she is such a coward that she can't do it herself." She chuckled but I saw tears appear in her eyes, threatening to slide down her soft skin.

A part of me wanted to reach out, brush them away with my thumb, just so I could feel her skin on mine. My palm burned with the want to do so.

"Look-" I reached out, only for her hand.

"Fuck!" She cursed, pulling away, jumping off the couch, settling her glass onto the coffee table. She was in full sports clothes. "Why do I always do this? I'm so fucking pathetic." She ran her fingers through her rend locks.

"No, Abbie, no." I shook my head, pushing off the sofa, this time, touching her arm when I reached out. Something ran through me, a buzzing feeling settling down in my stomach, but I pushed it away. "Look, Lillian is difficult. She has problems and she doesn't care about them, she is emotionally distant. You are not the problem."

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