Chapter 22

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There were numerous things I imagined finding in my home when I entered, but the redhead fishing through my stuff certainly wasn't on my bingo list. I tried to hide the way my heartrate escalated when I noticed the open door of my office or Abigail standing behind my desk with one of my guns in her grip.

"Love," My voice shook a little, unsteady. My mind was racing, trying to find some good explanation. "Do you need help finding something?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest, watching her rain soaked figure.

I followed her gaze down to the weapon in her hand. I needed like three seconds to take it from her if I wanted to, but I let her have this leverage. She wouldn't shoot me anyway. You won't shoot me, right my love?

Her hand was shaking as she decided to turn the gun on me, aiming at me. I suppressed the roll of my eyes and my smile seeing her determined face, trying to intimidate me.

"Back away." Her voice was weak and I could see on her face how much she hated it.

"That is a big gun for a little girl." I took a step inside, unconsciously forcing her to take a step back. I could feel my heart breaking a little. I never wanted her to be afraid of me. Hate me, despise me, but never fear me. Don't fear me please!

I stopped, frozen in place, looking into the barrel of the gun before my eyes shifted up to her blue ones. "Abigail,"

"Are you planning to hurt me?" She cut me off. Her red hair was damp, sticking to her skin, her face. I didn't know if it was still rain on her face or tears started to roll down on her cheeks.

"What? No!" I shook my head in confusion. "I would never-"

"You killed Christopher." It wasn't a question.

"All I did, all I ever did was for you." I needed her to understand me, to know that hurting her was the last thing I have ever wanted.

"I would never ever ask you to kill someone, Clara!" I don't know if she forgot about it or was simply this bad with guns, but she weaved it around, not afraid that she would accidentally kill one or both of us. Her feet stomped on the floor, leaving a wet pound behind.

The fear in my opponents eyes always made me excited, causing my skin to buzz with anticipation. I could feel the familiar taste in my mouth but this time my body felt numb.

"That is the thing, Abigail." I took steps closer, forcing her into the shelf on the wall. "You didn't have to ask me to do things for you. I'm yours, I would do anything for you."

"You are a psychopath."

"I can assure you I am not." I laughed a little, placing my hand on the two sides of her body.

Her blue eyes were jumping everywhere on my face, softening for a second, when my thumb brushed against her waist. For a second I believed that things would go my way from now on. Until her eyes hardened again and she roughly pushed on my shoulders until I fell back against my desk.

I was too stunned to react properly when she launched forward the balcony door. I only saw a flash of her auburn red hair as she ran to lock herself out. I shook my head, watching the rain soak her already wet clothes

I couldn't stop my laugh breaking out. I wasn't sure what I found funny. The fact that my life was literally shattering to pieces at the moment I could do so little to prevent it, the fact that Abigail locked herself out into the rain which was literally a stupid idea or the fact that she stupidly thought that a locked door would stop me from getting to her.

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