Chapter 7

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I would let her do whatever she wanted to me in that garden. Without thinking. Not only my body but my mind was too, only for her. It wasn't like I needed to explain myself to her, but I wanted to let her know that I didn't sleep with the girl from nights ago. I wanted to come clean before jumping into her bed.

I didn't suggest we leave because I was opposed to the idea of having sex with her in the garden. I really liked the idea actually. But after that noise... sometimes sudden noises scared me. They made me feel uneasy. For a long time now, occasionally I felt watched. Not in the following, creepy, stalkeris way. But when I walk along the street, I feel a pair of eyes on me.

While I knew Clara wouldn't let anyone find us like that, I still felt like leaving. And she didn't complain. Her fingers tapped on the gear shift while driving us to my place. My training clothes felt utterly uncomfortable as my body still buzzed with anticipation at the memory of her touch.

It was very hard to believe that Clara never had sex with a woman before. From the way she kissed me, the way she grabbed me... I knew she would be amazing in it.

"What are you thinking about?" Her tone was low, settling deep in my belly.

"You." Always

"Cute." She whispered with a smile, parking down the car in the parking lot in front of my flat. The vehicle slowly stopped under us, and as much as I tried to keep the question in, I couldn't.

"Are you gonna come up with me?"

Please say yes!

My voice shook more than I would like it. Even if I wanted to sound confident, dominating, I didn't.

"I don't have to." She undid her seatbelt. "Just because we started something, we don't have to finish it."

"I know." I played with the end of my training clothes. "But I want to."

"Good." She breathed, suddenly, lifting my chin with her finger, leaning over to kiss me.

A sight left me when I felt her lips on mine and I couldn't help myself from running my fingers through her hair, pulling her even closer. God, I waited for this for years and from the way she grabbed my waist to pull me in, I got that she was just as turned on as I was.

"Abby" I searched for my seatbelt, but she was quicker. Pushing the button, she undid it and literally lifted me over the consol into her lap. She was definitely stronger than she looked.

We managed not to disconnect our lips, deepening the kiss even further. One of her hands remained on my waist, while one came up to my cheeks and neck, leaning me back against the steering wheel of the car.

And suddenly, she pulled away. Not far, only for a few inches, enough to break the kiss, but I could still feel her breath on my lips. Just brushing against it softly, grazing.

"Your lips are so soft." She whispered, her eyes closed as she breathed heavily. "You're so soft." It was like she didn't even say it to me, just to herself, her grip tightening on my waist. I liked it when she did that.

"Come up with me." I turned her face up to mine with both hands, brushing my lips against hers gently.


It was a jog to my apartment. Fortunately I lived on the first floor, but we were basically running to the door.


"What?" I bit my lip, my back leaning against her front as I turned the key in the door. I wasn't the cleanest girl ever, but I thanked God that I somewhat organized the place before I left that morning.

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