1: The begining

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March 18th, 1980

The dawn's light began to filter softly through the curtains, casting a gentle glow across the room. It was 5 in the morning, and Sirius Black was completely captivated by the sight of his newborn daughter. With a heart full of joy and pride, he whispered, "She looks like me; she is a Black, after all." His laughter filled the room, a sound that matched the happiness in his eyes as he glanced over at his wife, Alexandra.

Alexandra, cradling their newborn son, chuckled and replied, "Well, at least the boy got my eyes." She rolled her eyes playfully, her love for her husband and their children evident in her every gesture.

Sirius looked between his wife and their two children, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "What are we going to name them?" he asked, his voice filled with the weight of such an important decision. "I thought about naming him Regulus, but... I owe Uncle Alphard so much. Alphard James would be great, don't you think?"

Alexandra could see the mixture of pride and sorrow in Sirius' eyes, knowing how much he missed his brother. She reached out, gently squeezing his hand. "It sounds perfect," she said softly. "And for our little girl, I was thinking of Rosalie. You know how your family chooses names based on stars, and I love the name."

Sirius' eyes sparkled with excitement. "Rosalie Alexandra Black, is it?" he said, grinning at his wife.

Alexandra shook her head, a hint of mischief in her smile. "Rosalie Andromeda Black, R.A.B."

Sirius nodded, understanding the significance behind the name. Andromeda was someone Alexandra admired deeply, and the initials R.A.B. held a special place in his heart, reminding him of his beloved brother, Regulus. Overwhelmed with emotion, Sirius kneeled down and kissed his wife gently.

"I talked with James, and we both agreed that Remus should be the godfather," Sirius said, his voice filled with conviction. "He's always been there for us, and he's more than worthy of this honor."

Alexandra's eyes softened. "And Lily can be the godmother. She's been such a good friend to us."

Sirius beamed, his heart swelling with happiness. "I'll send them an owl right away. They need to know about our beautiful children."

He stood up, his excitement palpable. Alexandra couldn't help but laugh as she watched Sirius dash towards the door, only to trip on the stairs in his haste. She heard his voice echoing through the house, filled with pure joy. "I am a fatheeeeeeeer!"

She shook her head, still smiling as she cradled Rosalie and Alphard in her arms. This was the beginning of a beautiful chapter in their lives, filled with love, laughter, and the promise of endless adventures.


The room was alive with chatter and laughter as friends and family gathered around Sirius and Alexandra, their faces lit up with joy at the arrival of the newest members of the Black family.

"Can you believe it, mate? We're dads!" exclaimed James, his eyes shining with excitement as he clapped Sirius on the back.

Sirius grinned, his heart overflowing with pride. "I know, Prongs! It's bloody brilliant! But I bet you a Galleon I can change a nappy faster than you."

James laughed, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You're on, Padfoot. Prepare to lose your Galleon and your dignity."

The two friends set up an impromptu diaper-changing station, each grabbing a doll to practice on. The room erupted in laughter as James and Sirius fumbled with the nappies, their competitive spirits turning a simple task into a chaotic spectacle.

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