the fall

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November 2nd 1981

Sirius black was sent to azkaban ,all though alexandra knew that he is innocent she couldn't do anything she knew that sirius refused using Veritaserum on him "Veritaserum is a colorless, odorless potion that forces the drinker to tell the truth."
To not expose remus as an non registered werewolve
But She felt lost ,scared knowing that she has the last heir's to the most noble and ancient house of black ,she knew that they will be after her but she barely knew peaple in England she decided that she will be leaving to france to protect her kids she was lost in her thoughts, when she heard a knock in her door she looked at her littel rosalie or as sirius loved to call her rose and her handsome alphard  playing with there toys then she went to open the door with her wand in her other hand

It was WALBURGA BLACK "hello daughter in law, aren't you letting me in?"
Alexandra swallowed sirius warned her before that his family can not be trusted they are mad
"What do you want?"said alexandra
"Move  blood-traitor" cried lucius malfoy followed by his wife narcissa black-malfoy
"Don't you dare touche them"said alexandra putting her kids behind her back

"Let's get to the point"said walburga "my blood traitor of a son was the last male heir left to the noble and most incient house of black and since he was not ligally disowned i want to be the one ho raise my grand son and daughter to ensure that our legacie continue"

"Don't you know that iam a pureblood too im not letting my children to be raised the way we did we want them to have a happy life im going to france you can pay a visit whenever you want but we are not going with you!"

"Alexandra please it will be the bes__"siad narcissa until she was cuted by her aunt"all right as you wish"

There was an akward silence for five seconds an then

"CRUCIO!"yelled walburga at alexandra
Experiencing the Cruciatus Curse is an indescribable torment that envelops a person in excruciating pain. It's not just physical agony, but a deep, searing torment that penetrates every inch of one's being, feeling as though her very soul is being scorched. Every nerve in her body is set ablaze, and the pain is so intense that it distorts their perception of reality.
The Cruciatus Curse is a dark magic that leaves an enduring mark on the victim, a scar that extends far beyond the physical realm and delves into the recesses of their psyche.

She felt like her soul was dying and when walburga took away the curse she opend her eyes seeing her daughter and son face paler then snow she mumbeld weakly  with her mouth
"Je vous aimes" (i love you)
Then a flash of green light came over and the last  thing she heard was"avada kadavra"
Narcissa swalowed hardly and took the kids out with her whith lucius but her aunt stayed their

And just like that rose and alphard were left without a parent.

Omg there are 9 readers already  i thoght no one will read this btw u can comment if u want any change il considerate it
Sorry for the mistakes as i said english is not my first language+the reason i dont give you much deatails is because we will need them in the end i swear you will love the trop
Should i creat a tiktok acc?
Okey bye with love

the last heir-sirius black daughter&sonWhere stories live. Discover now