But ice cream makes everything better!

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"I said no." he muttered.

"I BEG OF YOU-" I get on my knees and, well, beg.

"Did you-" he speaks with more conviction now.

"YOU SAID YOU WANTED TO MAKE ME HAP-" I sob, and am now lying down on my stomach, latched onto his ankle. Some passers-by from other grades, and even one of the math teachers have formed a loose circle around us and are now watching the commotion. Good, because I need him to agree to get ice cream with me, and I know that it's going to be difficult since he has to uphold the reputation of the: 'mysterious-quiet-extremely-good-looking-guy-who-everyone-has-a-crush-on-and-who's-actually-a-really-cuddly-teddy-bear-inside'.

"I said no, can't you listen?" he hisses, cheeks red with embarrassment. He's a blusher. Whenever he gets mad, nervous, or embarrassed his cheeks get this adorable shade of red- No. You're over that silly middle school crush. You have to be. You can't let yourself be distracted by him. Not his blush, and especially not his gorgeous dark brown eyes, and his shaggy black hair that covers his eyes, and looks so soft, and all I want to do is run my fingers through it and- UGH. I sound obsessed. The point is, he's a blusher, and I don't understand how he blushes so much because I never blush.

"Please?" I pull out the big guns - the puppy eyes. At one point while I was daydreaming, my yelling attracted more people, and we're now surrounded by a large crowd of people. I also ended up sitting on his foot with my arms wrapped around his leg. He looks down at me, and I add in another whispered please just for good measure. He clenches his jaw, shakes his head and starts walking, with me on his foot, and when I try to stop him, I fall off. Me being me, I latch onto his ankle again.

Now, him being him, he promptly turns around, makes me stand up and throws me over his shoulder, my head facing forward. I make a sound that closely resembles a goat dying with a dash of feral guinea pig and a sprinkle of rabid bird, and start pounding on his chest, his very muscular chest- WOAH- does he work out- and I notice that throughout this commotion, my shirt has ridden up, exposing my stomach that, honestly, I'm not that proud of. I'm not fat, I'm average, but seeing model-like girls walking around the halls every day isn't exactly good for my self esteem either. I struggle to pull my shirt back down.

His steps falter- am I too heavy?- but he starts walking towards the exit of the school, and I do my best to get out of his grip. I look to my other best friend, Samantha, and gesture towards the devil who's currently dragging me back home. She just shakes her head and smirks. I roll my eyes at her and stick my tongue out. As we walk - well, he walks and I just hang limply on his shoulder - I see girls glare at me in envy, and once again, I roll my eyes.

"Where are we going?" I mutter, a bit hurt that he doesn't want to get ice cream even when he promised we would hang out today.

"Hey, we're still gonna hang out, just not here, love, ok?" His soft tone melts my heart and I nod against his chest. His thumbs rub small circles along my legs, making me feel all fluttery inside. I haven't felt this loved in a while. Of course, we're just friends-unfortunately-, but still.

As we walk, I can't help but notice the amused glances from the onlookers who are still trailing behind us, probably enjoying the bizarre spectacle we've unintentionally become. I glance over at Samantha, who's now doubled over in laughter, thoroughly entertained by the whole situation.

Reaching his sleek black car, he opens the door and gently deposits me in the passenger seat. I give him a pouty look, hoping to elicit a change of heart about the ice cream, but he just chuckles and closes the door. As he gets into the driver's seat, I cross my arms, still feigning a dramatic sulk.

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