Best Friends - Day 1

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Yes. Best friends to lovers. So much fluff. Enjoy. 


The morning sun painted a warm glow across Alex's room as she stirred from her sleep. Just as she was about to embrace the day, the door flung open, and in burst Mason, his infectious energy filling the room.

"Time to rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty!" Mason declared, hopping onto her bed with unbridled enthusiasm.

Alex groaned, still half-asleep. "Can't I get some beauty sleep without being disturbed?"

Mason grinned, ignoring her protests, and pulled her into a tight embrace. "No rest for the wicked, my friend."

In the cozy cuddle that followed, Mason draped an arm around Alex, their bodies fitting together like pieces of a puzzle. It was a natural closeness, a familiarity that made it feel like they had been doing this forever. Mason nestled his head into the crook of her neck, breathing in the scent of her shampoo.

"Ugh, you're like a human furnace," Alex muttered, but the playful smile on her face betrayed any annoyance.

"And you're the ice queen, but I wouldn't have it any other way," Mason replied, his voice muffled against her neck.

After a lazy morning in each other's company, they decided to grab breakfast at their usual spot. The small café down the street had become their go-to place for pancakes and coffee.

As they sat at their usual table, Mason reached across and hooked their pinkies together. "You ready for the best breakfast in town?"

Alex smirked. "As ready as I'll ever be."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, punctuated by touches that spoke volumes. A pat on the back, a quick squeeze of the hand – their connection was evident in the unspoken gestures that had become second nature.

In the bustling hallways of their high school, they navigated the day hand in hand, their pinkies linked like an unbreakable chain. Mason's popularity among other students as the subject of frequent flirting didn't go unnoticed by the friend group.

Samantha, the witty matchmaker, teased, "Mason, you're practically a one-man flirt magnet. How do you handle all the attention?"

Mason chuckled, his gaze momentarily searching for Alex in the crowd. "It's all background noise, honestly."

The group continued to their next class, but Mason's attention lingered. He couldn't deny the small twinge of discomfort when he couldn't find Alex among the students.

As the day progressed, Mason found himself longing for the comforting presence of his best friend. In a moment of distraction, a persistent flirtatious classmate approached, showering him with compliments. Normally unfazed, Mason felt an unusual sense of discomfort without Alex by his side.

Just as the flirting grew more insistent, the classroom door opened, and there stood Alex. She flashed Mason a knowing smile and, without a word, pulled him into a tight hug.

"Hey there, stranger," she teased, effectively cutting off the flirt's advances.

Mason sighed in relief, appreciating the familiar warmth of Alex's embrace. "You have impeccable timing."

She grinned. "I make it my mission to rescue you from the clutches of unwanted attention."

Throughout the day, Alex and Mason found moments to link their pinkies, share spontaneous hugs, and bask in the comfort of their closeness. In the quiet moments, when words weren't necessary, their gestures spoke louder than any declaration of love. The friend group, witnessing the genuine bond between them, couldn't help but feel the warmth that radiated from the duo.

As evening settled in, they decided on a movie night during their sleepover. Mason sprawled on the couch, and Alex joined him, running her fingers through his hair as they picked a movie.

"I've always wanted to try this," Mason confessed, shifting to lay on top of Alex as she continued to play with his hair.

Alex chuckled, her fingers still working their magic. "What, being a human pillow?"

He grinned. "Yeah, that. And maybe stealing a few extra cuddles."



I need to get better at writing this kind of fluff. 



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