Day 3

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The day had started like any other, filled with laughter and shared moments between Alex and Mason. They decided to take a stroll in the park, the crisp autumn air adding a touch of freshness to their day. As they walked, laughter echoed, and the rustle of leaves beneath their feet painted a serene backdrop.

However, fate had other plans. A simple misstep on an uneven path resulted in Alex losing her balance and tumbling to the ground. Mason's heart skipped a beat as he rushed to her side, realizing she had hurt her leg. Panic set in as he saw blood seeping through a scrape on her knee.

"Alex, are you okay?" Mason asked, his voice tinged with worry.

She winced, trying to brush it off. "It's just a scratch, no big deal."

But the sight of blood sent Mason into a mild frenzy. "No big deal? You're bleeding like crazy!"

He quickly took off his jacket and pressed it against the wound, doing his best to stem the bleeding. Despite her attempts to reassure him, Mason couldn't shake the worry etched across his face.

"I'm taking you to the hospital," Mason declared, gently lifting her into his arms.

"No, Mason, it's not that bad," Alex protested, though she winced as he carried her.

He gave her a look of determination. "You're my best friend, and I'm not taking any chances. Hospital it is."

At the hospital, Alex received stitches for the cut on her knee. Mason hovered nearby, his worry evident in every furrow of his brow. Once the doctor assured them that it was a minor injury, Mason carefully helped Alex back onto her feet.

From that moment on, Mason was the epitome of gentleness. He insisted on carrying her everywhere, cradling her in his arms like she was the most precious thing in the world. Their friends jokingly referred to them as a real-life fairytale couple, but Mason paid no mind, his focus solely on making sure Alex was comfortable.

Back at home, Mason went into full nurturing mode. He fetched pillows, blankets, and even carried her favorite snacks. He arranged a little nest on the couch for her, ensuring she had everything within reach.

"Chocolate?" he offered, holding out a bar.

Alex chuckled. "You're spoiling me, Mason."

He shrugged. "Consider it hazard pay for the adventure today."

Throughout the day, Mason doted on her, helping her with anything she needed. He was like a guardian angel, anticipating her every desire. From adjusting the pillows to massaging her uninjured foot, he spared no effort in making her feel pampered.

As night fell, Mason prepared a simple dinner, insisting on feeding her as she rested on the couch. Their laughter echoed through the room, turning a potentially disastrous day into a series of cherished moments.

"I can't believe you're taking such good care of me," Alex remarked between bites.

Mason grinned. "Well, what are best friends for, if not to carry you when you're hurt and feed you chocolate?"

As the evening wore on, Mason carefully helped Alex change into comfortable pyjamas and made a makeshift bed for her on the couch. He settled down beside her, a protective arm draped over her shoulder.

"Thanks for being my hero today, Mason," Alex whispered, her eyes reflecting gratitude.

He chuckled. "Just doing my best friend duties. But seriously, if you need anything else, just let me know."



Best friends, huh? :j



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