Doctor- (Friends pt.2)

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Well, sorry. I keep on forgetting to update, but i have the next one almost done-


So apparently he liked her enough.

It was nearing the end of the semester, and Alex was happy - or as she would put it, a heppy boi. They had hung out at each other's houses many times before, too - whether it was to study, or just to spend time with each other.

[And Mason was happy too, but a bit less, because he thought she could never be his]

Alex was very happy, yes, but also a bit confused. In the past few weeks, she'd been noticing parts of Mason that she'd normally not really pay attention to. For example, his looks. Sure, she'd occasionally look at him and casually think - damn, he's good-looking - but lately his looks had been having an effect on her?


Excuse me, feelings???

Their relationship involved physical touch, so they cuddled sometimes during movies, or they'd very loosely link their fingers, or maybe to try to 'intimidate' her (which he did often, since Alex would always challenge him to something, whether it be a thumb war or a fake wrestling match): he would walk really close to her until their chests were brushing, and look down at her, murmur: "oh yeah, you think I'm weak huh? We'll see about that" and proceed to beat her in whatever it was.

And all of these casual touches now made her extremely flustered and made her blush (and when had she ever blushed before? She didn't even blush when the occasional guy flirted with her?)

And it wasn't just his looks, his personality just made her fall for him harder-


Fall for him?

No. It's just a crush. It's just a crushitsjustacrushitsjustacrushitsjustacrush-

And all of a sudden, Mason was on top of her. Startled, Alex jerked forward, sending them both off the bed and crashing into the stairs of her loft.

"You absolute mustache, what on earth was that for?" Alex rubbed her back where she had crashed into the first step of the staircase.

"Sorry, your mom let me in and I wanted to surprise you... I guess it worked a little too well, don't you think?" He stood up and stretched, grinning at her as he- displayed some gorgeous muscles, hot damn- reached out a hand to help her up. Alex got up on her own and huffed, playfully crossing her arms and facing away from him with a snooty expression on her face, soon turning back because of her back.

"Shit." she hissed and lied down on her bed on her stomach, finding a comfortable position to stay in.

"What's up? Did I hurt you?" Mason rushed to her side, a guilty expression on his face.

"Just my back a little, but it's not your fault, don't worry." She grinned at him.

"Are you sure? I can-"

"No, Mason, I'm actually going to hold this against you for the rest of my life, we're not friends anymore, sorry." Alex's grin widened. "You're such a little bozo. Such a goofy little boi."

"Hey! No I'm not!"

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are." Alex vaguely noticed him inching closer to her-

"No I'm not!" He was almost at the foot of the bed now.

"Yes you are!" He hovered over her now, arms on her waist, and she blushed (again, ??), but-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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