Day 2

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The day began with the sun peeking through Alex's bedroom window, casting a warm glow. Mason, ever the early bird, barged in with his trademark energy like every morning.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty! Time to seize the day!" Mason declared, hopping onto her bed.

Alex groaned, shielding her eyes from the light. "Seize the day? More like seize a few more minutes of sleep."

Mason grinned, undeterred, and wrapped her in a morning hug. "Resistance is futile, my friend. Now, up and at 'em!"

After some initial protests, they headed to their favorite breakfast spot. As they sat down with their coffee and pancakes, Mason reached across the table, playfully intertwining their pinkies.

Mason smirked. "I read somewhere that linked pinkies guarantee good luck for the day."

Alex rolled her eyes but didn't pull away. "You and your superstitions. If I have a lucky day, it's because of skill, not pinkie links."

The school day passed in a whirlwind of classes and shared laughter. During a break between classes, Mason surprised Alex with a sudden back hug.

"Guess what day it is!" he exclaimed, squeezing her in a tight embrace.

Alex tilted her head, pretending to ponder. "Let me guess, International Hug Day?"

Mason chuckled. "Close, but it's National Appreciate Alex Day. I just made it up."

She nudged him. "Every day is National Appreciate Alex Day when you're around."

As the bell rang, signaling the end of classes, they strolled down the hallway, their fingers entwined.

"Have I ever told you how much I appreciate our pinkie-linking ritual?" Mason teased.

Alex smirked. "Only every day. It's practically our secret handshake."

After school, they found themselves at their favorite spot by the park. The afternoon sun bathed everything in a golden glow.

"Remember the time we tried to build a fort out of these fallen branches?" Mason reminisced.

Alex laughed. "And we got scolded by that grumpy park ranger. Good times."

They settled on the grass, Mason resting his head on Alex's lap. "This is the best seat in the house," he mused.

Alex tousled his hair. "Not too shabby, huh? Nature's recliner."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, they decided on a spontaneous detour to their go-to takeout place. While waiting for their order, Mason couldn't help but notice a flirtatious cashier.

"Is he checking you out?" Mason asked, feigning nonchalance.

Alex smirked. "Jealous much?"

Mason pulled her closer by the waist, a possessive gesture. "Maybe a little. Can't have people stealing my best friend."

Their laughter echoed through the restaurant, earning them a few curious glances.

Back at Alex's place for their traditional movie night, Mason sprawled on the couch. Alex joined him, and without a word, he pulled her into a side hug.

"Best part of the day," Mason declared.

Alex chuckled. "You say that about every part of the day."

"Because every part of the day is the best when I'm with you," he replied, pressing play on the movie.

In the quiet moments between scenes, Mason turned to her with a grin. "Can I request a cuddle upgrade? Maybe the 'Mason laying on top of Alex while she plays with my hair and rubs my back' special again?"

Alex laughed, rolling her eyes. "You drive a hard bargain, but deal."

As the movie played, Mason laid on top of Alex, his head nestled in the crook of her neck. She ran her fingers through his hair, the comforting motion lulling them into a peaceful silence.

"Best movie night ever," Mason whispered.

"You say that about every movie night."

Mason chuckled. "Well, it's true every time."



I feel like it's getting a bit repetitive. Eh. Who cares



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