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Her heart races as the train unexpectedly lurches, throwing her slightly off balance. Gripping the handrail, she glances around and realizes that everyone else seems unperturbed, immersed in their own worlds. Her fear of train travel intensifies with every subtle jolt, and she can't help but wish for a smoother journey.

As the train shudders once more, she instinctively clenches the handrail, her fingers clinging desperately to the cold metal. When the turbulence subsides, she releases her grip, only to discover her handprint on someone else's arm. Startled, she looks up to find a charming stranger smiling at her.

"Oops, sorry about that. I didn't mean, grip your arm like that. I just get a bit anxious during train rides," she stammers, cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

He chuckles warmly, alleviating her embarrassment. "No worries. I can relate. Train travel can be a bit nerve-wracking sometimes, right?"

She manages a small smile, grateful for his understanding. "Yeah, exactly. Sorry again."

"Don't be sorry. In fact, how about you make it up to me?" he suggests playfully, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

Curious, she raises an eyebrow. "And how would I do that?"

He grins, "By giving me your phone number. It's the perfect way to ease the tension of train travel, don't you think?"

Her initial surprise turns into a delighted laugh. "Smooth, very smooth. But okay, you've earned it," she says, exchanging contact information. The rest of the train journey suddenly feels much more bearable, and she can't help but think that this unexpected turbulence might have just led you to a pleasant encounter. 






sorry i had finals :/



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