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Alex sighed as she lay in bed, thinking. She was sad. Sad, yes, but not the kind where you cry, or sob. It was the kind of sadness that built up over the course of a few weeks, or months. It was the kind of sadness that built up like a dam in her chest, though the pressure felt oddly satisfying. It was the kind of sadness that stemmed from a problem she couldn't fix herself (at least in her opinion). It was the kind of sadness that came from the relization she had had just now, and that was that *she had no friends*. Sure, she had XXX on occasion, though they just didn't click like friends usually do. And sure, she had YYY sometimes, though she just wasn't the best person. And sure, she had ZZZ, who was great when she wasn't using Alex as a personal therapist, but busy all the time and would leave someday too.

No, this was the kind of sadness that was keeping her up every night. This was the kind of sadness where she could only hope that *someone* came along, looked at her, and said, "I think I want to be friends with this person", instead of immediately becoming friends with the 'other' groups.

Oh, how she wished she had a best friend. The kind of friend she could talk for hours and hours to without being a therapist for someone, or without it being awkward. Maybe a childhood best friend would have been better, she thought, but then again, every two or three years she left a country and never came back. Do my friends in other schools I've attended miss me? Do they think, sometimes- oh, Alex was a great friend. I wish I had someone like her in my life again. Alex sighed again and flipped her pillow. She'd just have to wait and see if next semester at school someone new would be her friend. Maybe a boy best friend would be nice. She'd only had one or two of those before when she was very little. But then again, Alex was so uninvolved with the happenings of her grade that she rarely talked to a boy. Oh well. She'd stick to imagining fake scenarios in her head where she fell in love or got a nice group of friends.


Alex sighed as she lay in bed, thinking, again. She'd cried last night. She was fine being alone, but she hated being lonely. Hopefully tomorrow will be better, she thought, absentmindedly cracking her knuckles. A bad habit, yes. Maybe her scenario for tonight could be related to this? Yes, the love interest stopping her from cracking her knuckes. Sparks fly. Their eyes meet. He says in his most Wattpad voice- "Stop doing that". Why do all the guys in books have *husky* voices? All Alex thought of when she read those stories was a husky head on top of a human body. Oh well...


Alex sighed as she lay in bed, thinking, again. She was fine. Everything was fine. She could distract herself from these stupid feelings. Stupid feelings.


Alex sighed as she packed her bags for school. She would get her grades back for three major assessments back today, but that wasn't what she was worried about (Alex knew that she'd get at least a 5 out of 7 for all of them, so she was calm about it. Well, except for social studies. She cheated just a teensy bit on that one, and she was praying her teacher woudn't notice). No, she was worried because it was the first day of the second semester of school. All of the new kids would start classes, and this was it. Either Alex made a new friend, or she would stay lonely for another four or five months. Not that she wasn't fine with being alone, of course. She just didn't like being lonely.


Alex sighed as she sat down with her half-friends. Conversation didn't flow easily, and her brain just wouldn't shut up. The new kids were probably already a part of the bigger friend groups. It was the way things were these days at school. Either you were one of them, or you weren't. Alex's grade was small- just sixty students in total, so why hadn't she seen any of the new kids. So while her friend YYY was ranting on about how she almost fainted because one of the new kids was 'so frickin hot, OH MY GOSH, I could have died, he was SO FINE-', she sighed again, and scanned the cafeteria for one of the new kids, again.

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