Yes- (part 2)

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Alex and Mason, the dynamic duo of dating, are like a match made in a rom-com heaven. Picture this: they start their day with cute morning texts and emojis, setting the tone for the lovey-dovey adventure that awaits. Alex sends a heart-eye emoji, and Mason responds with a thumbs-up and a kissy face – communication level: expert.

Their dates are a rollercoaster of fun and laughter. From romantic dinners at fancy restaurants to impromptu picnics in the park, these two know how to keep the spark alive. Mason always insists on opening doors for Alex, and she rewards him with that infectious giggle that makes everyone around them believe in love again.

Weekend movie nights are a ritual, complete with a cozy blanket fort and an ongoing debate over which snack reigns supreme – popcorn or chocolate? Spoiler alert: they end up with both. And let's not forget the heated battles during game nights. Uno becomes a high-stakes competition, with Alex's signature victory dance causing Mason to question his card-playing skills.

Their text exchanges are a mix of sweetness and playful banter. "Guess what? I saw a puppy today!" Alex sends with a heart emoji. Mason fires back with a gif of a dancing penguin, captioned, "That's me when I see you." Cue the collective "awws" from anyone within viewing distance of their screens.

When it comes to social media, they're the couple everyone secretly wants to be. Alex posts a cute selfie of them with a caption like, "Date night with my favorite person," and Mason replies with a string of heart emojis and a hashtag that says #LuckiestGuyAlive.

In their world, love is in the details. Mason surprises Alex with flowers, and she reciprocates by planning a spontaneous road trip. They trade silly jokes, secret handshakes, and goofy selfies that could melt the iciest of hearts.

Sure, life has its ups and downs, but with Alex and Mason, it's clear they've found the perfect rhythm. Whether they're binge-watching a new series, cooking together, or simply holding hands on a lazy Sunday afternoon, their love story is a delightful blend of laughter, joy, and those mushy moments that make everyone around them swoon.



This was kind of a filler, about them when they're dating. It's kind of short bc i just made another one, and i physically cannot wait to post it, because i worked reaaaaaaaaaaaally hard on it and i think its nice. 

so yeah



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