Operation Malex

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The sleepover at Samantha's place was in full swing, and Zeph and Samantha were on a mission: Operation Malex. The night was filled with laughter, games, and a carefully orchestrated strategic sleeping bag placement that had Alex and Mason side by side.

As the group settled in for a movie, Zeph couldn't contain her excitement. "This is going to be epic!"

Samantha nodded, "Get ready for Operation Malex."

The night progressed, filled with teasing and playful banter. Alex, known for her sarcasm and quick wit, responded to their prodding with a raised eyebrow and dry remarks. When it was time to sleep, Zeph and Samantha subtly placed the sleeping bags, ensuring Mason ended up next to Alex.

As the night settled in, the room was filled with soft snores and the rustling of blankets. However, the peaceful atmosphere was disrupted when a muffled whimper echoed through the room. Alex was having a nightmare.

In the dream, shadows twisted into grotesque figures, and echoes of haunting whispers filled the air. Alex, usually fearless, found herself paralyzed with fear. Mason, being a light sleeper, woke up to find Alex whimpering in her sleep, tears running down her face.

Concern etched on his face, Mason gently shook Alex. "Hey, you okay?"

Alex, still caught in the remnants of her dream, nodded. "Yeah, just- just a stupid nightmare."

Mason, without hesitation, said, "Come here." He opened his arms, offering comfort.

Alex, too tired and disoriented to protest, nestled into Mason's embrace. Their legs ended up intertwined, and Mason's arm wrapped around Alex's waist, providing a sense of security. Her head rested on his chest as he ran a soothing hand through her hair.

The room fell silent as the nightmare's grip loosened. Unbeknownst to them, Zeph and Samantha, wide awake and grinning, seized the opportunity to snap a few discreet pictures, capturing the vulnerability that had unfolded.

The next morning, the group awoke to find Zeph and Samantha huddled over a phone, stifling laughter.

"What's so funny?" Alex asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

Samantha turned the phone towards them, revealing pictures of Alex and Mason, entwined in an unintentional cuddle. Alex's face turned a shade of red that could rival a tomato.

"Oh, my god!" Alex exclaimed, glancing at Mason, who seemed surprisingly unfazed.

Zeph, barely containing her amusement, teased, "You two make such a cute couple."

Alex, regaining her composure, shot back, "Don't get ahead of yourselves. It was just a nightmare."

Throughout the rest of the sleepover, Zeph and Samantha continued their sly attempts at matchmaking, earning eye rolls and sarcastic comments from Alex. Mason, though, seemed to take it all in stride, occasionally throwing a smooth comment or a charming smile in Alex's direction.

As the night wore on, the teasing reached its peak, and Alex found herself increasingly flustered. Yet, her sarcasm remained intact. When Zeph and Samantha went on about "fate" and "destiny," Alex retorted, "If destiny has a plan for us, it needs a better scriptwriter."

Despite the relentless teasing, the sleepover concluded with everyone laughing and promising to do it again soon. Zeph and Samantha, satisfied with their matchmaking efforts, exchanged knowing glances.

As Alex and Mason left Samantha's house, Alex couldn't help but admit to herself that the night had been unexpectedly enjoyable. The pictures might be embarrassing, the teasing relentless, but somewhere beneath the sarcastic exterior, she couldn't deny the warmth that lingered from the unintentional cuddle.

Mason, walking beside her, flashed a genuine smile. "Same time next week?"

Alex rolled her eyes, but the hint of a smile tugged at her lips. "Don't push your luck, Mason. We'll see."

As they walked away, Zeph and Samantha watched, plotting their next move. After all, when it came to matchmaking, a little embarrassment was a small price to pay for a potential happily ever after.



Hiii. Is Malex a good ship name? I couldn't think of any others that souded ok... 

Anyways. Don't forget to vote, share, and comment. and follow.

*In youtuber mode*: dOnT fORgET tO sMAsH tHat lIKe bUttOn yOu GuYs aND hIT tHaT nOtIFiCAtIoN bELl

Love yall


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