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When her name was announced, the ballroom doors opened with a loud bang. As she walked down the stares, eyes followed her - they wouldn't be able to look away if they tried. She was stunning, so- confident, even, that the women - and men - disapproved. A princess like her shouldn't be to stubborn. But she was beautiful, so it was okay, at least for the men. They could easily tame her, they thought. 

As she gracefully moved through the crowd, her dress stood out like a flame against the sea of white and silver. The gasps of disapproval and judgmental whispers intensified, but she remained unapologetically poised, determined to make a statement. 

Her gown, a stunning display of defiance in a sea of tradition, was a deep, rich red that demanded attention. The fabric clung to her curves with a daring tightness, accentuating every contour in a way that challenged the conventional modesty of the occasion. The neckline plunged gracefully, revealing a hint of cleavage that walked the fine line between sophistication and sensuality.

A subtle yet alluring slit adorned the gown, daringly climbing up her thigh with each twirl of the dance. The crimson fabric parted just enough to reveal a glimpse of her leg, adding an unexpected edge to the ensemble. As she moved, the slit teased the onlookers, a silent proclamation of her refusal to be confined by the expectations of propriety.

The dress itself was a masterpiece of craftsmanship, the silky material catching the light with every movement. Intricate details adorned the bodice, adding a touch of elegance to the boldness of the design. The gown hugged her figure, the fabric clinging to her like a second skin, creating an ethereal silhouette that stood out against the sea of conventional white and silver.

To complement the audacity of her gown, her hair, a cascade of raven-black waves, fell freely down her shoulders, adding a touch of untamed allure to the sophisticated ensemble. The rich darkness of her locks framed her face with a dramatic elegance, creating a stark contrast against the vibrant red of her gown.

The waves, meticulously tousled, caught the light with each movement, creating an illusion of fluidity that echoed the dance itself. Intertwined with strands of deep burgundy, the subtle highlights added a dimension of mystery to her already captivating presence. A delicate silver hairpin, adorned with intricate details, held a small section of her hair in place, allowing the rest to fall gracefully around her shoulders.

The music, though hesitant, started up again, and a dance passed, then two, then three, and no one had asked her to dance yet. She had expected this of course, this was the intended purpose of the dress - no suitor would want her now, but she was starting to feel rather bored. 

When the clock struck midnight - how terribly cliche, she thought, I feel just like Cinderella, only with more of a spine - the nobles of her kingdom surrounded the area where she stood. Tall and proud, just like her mother, they all thought. Just like her bastard mother, who ruled better than a king. Tha ballroom fell into a hushed silence, and all eligible suitors stepped forward. 

She surveyed them all. The first, Oliver, her best friend. Ew. No. The second, a random nobleman - was it Thomas? He was rather old for her, wasn't he? The third, Leonardo. Ugh. A stuck up pain in the- "princesses aren't supposed to curse, aren't they, Alexia?" 

The list went on and on, and the minutes dragged by. The one on the left side of the line was quite good-looking, yes, but from what she'd heard from her friend Zephyr, he only wanted a wife who did the housework. Some of these guy's aesthetics are red flags, aren't they? she mused. 

[He studied her face. She really was beautiful. He'd treat her right if she chose him - though one could only be so lucky. The closest she'd ever be to him was in his dreams. In my dreams, he thought, as his head filled with-

No thank you, brain. Kindly shut up. I'll step forward a bit, see what she does]

One dared to step forward — a man, about her age thankfully, a vision of masculine elegance. Masculine elegance. Did I really just think that? His jet-black hair, messy, framed a strong jawline and accentuated the striking angles of his face. Striking? What's wrong with me? His eyes, a deep, intense shade of very dark brown, held a magnetic allure, revealing a mysterious depth that hinted at hidden layers beneath the surface. I'm turning into a simp. Stop. 

His physique was a perfect balance of strength and grace—a muscular figure sculpted by athleticism, yet more lean than bulky. Every movement exuded confidence and control, his lithe form moving with an effortless precision. He only took one step, Alex. STOP. The tailored black suit he wore clung to his form in all the right places, enhancing the contours of his physique without compromising the grace of his movements. She immediately felt attracted to him. He seemed a simple man, but headstrong and sarcastic. Those lessons on 'reading' people are really paying off now, aren't they? 

She extended a hand towards him, offering a dance. 

[He noticed that her hand was calloused - not the typical princess then. ShE'S NoT LiKe OtHeR GiRlS- he mocked himself]

He took it gracefully, and what on earth was happening to her, because she just smiled bashfully, when has she ever smiled bashfully - he led her onto the dance floor. 

She signalled to the band to start the music again with a shaking hand? A SHAKING HAND? Calm yourself. 

She regained her composure as the music started to play. They moved to the center of the ballroom. The mysterious suitor, with a confident flick of his wrist, guided Alexia into a delicate spin, her crimson gown billowing around her. The crowd, initially held in a hushed anticipation, now erupted into murmurs of surprise, captivated by the unexpected elegance unfolding before them.

As the music swelled, the mysterious suitor orchestrated a sequence of intricate steps, twirling Alexia with a flourish that showcased the daring slit in her gown. The deep red fabric, a vivid contrast to the muted tones of the ballroom, seemed to defy gravity as it cascaded around her in a breathtaking display of audacity. The dance took an unexpected turn as he pulled her into a graceful dip, her back arching with a delicate vulnerability. The onlookers, momentarily stunned, found themselves entranced by the sheer artistry of their movements. The mysterious suitor, with a skillful ease, brought her back into an upright position, the transition seamless and entrancing. 

Continuing the dance, they glided across the floor with synchronized precision. He led her in a series of quick spins and dips, their bodies moving in perfect harmony with the crescendo of the music. 

As the tempo changed, he drew her into a close embrace, his hand resting on the small of her back. Their bodies moved in a mesmerizing rhythm, the elaborate dance telling a story of defiance and OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOh. ChEmIsTrY.

In a final breathtaking move, he spun her away, the crimson of her dress creating a mesmerizing blur of color. The music reached its crescendo as they came back together, their faces inches apart. 

He bowed in her direction and gently kissed her hand keeping eye contact, she noticed. Hot. 

"Your bags are already in my car, meet me outside in ten," He murmured. 

"I'll be there in five, there's no one for me to goodbye to here anyways." 



I'm actually really proud of this one. yay. 




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