Five more minutes.

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The night preceding had followed the typical script of an Alex-and-Mason hangout, an evening filled with laughter and a marathon of movies that eventually led them to the snug embrace of Mason's bed. The glow from the TV provided a dim illumination as they exchanged tired yet content smiles, finding solace in the shared exhaustion after a day of adventures.

As they nestled into the soft folds of Mason's bed, his arm naturally found its place around Alex, forming a cocoon of warmth. She lay facing away, the line between their friendship and something more becoming increasingly hazy. The transition into sleep was gentle, a quiet promise that a new day awaited.


The morning sunlight crept into the room, casting its glow on the aftermath of their shared slumber. Mason's arm remained draped over Alex, an unspoken acknowledgment of their proximity. As they stirred, the realization of how close they were hit Alex. She lay there, a mixture of uncertainty and anticipation coloring the quiet interlude between sleep and wakefulness.

Sensing the subtle tension, Mason decided to break the morning silence with a playful gesture. His lips traced a delicate path along Alex's shoulder and neck, leaving a trail of warmth that danced on her skin. Her initial tension gave way to a soft giggle, a sound that resonated in the room, adding a lightness to the atmosphere.

Encouraged by the newfound ease, Alex turned around, snuggling into Mason's chest. Their legs became entangled in a comforting mess, creating an even cozier cocoon. Alex, seizing the moment, returned the affection, planting gentle kisses along Mason's jaw. 

In a stroke of coincidence, Mason accidentally turned his head down, and their lips met in a soft, unexpected kiss. The room buzzed with a charged atmosphere as they pulled away, eyes locking in a shared realization. The unspoken tension that had lingered between them found a voice as they confessed feelings that had long been kept silent. In the honesty of the moment, they found solace, and with newfound clarity, they leaned in for another, intentional kiss.

The morning unfolded with a sense of revelation and a deepening connection. Mason, feeling a bit more daring, tried to get up, but Alex playfully rolled on top of him, wrapping herself around him like a cozy blanket. Limbs entwined, her head found a comfortable resting place on his shoulder, and with a mischievous grin, she declared, "Five more minutes." In those extended moments, they lingered in the intimacy of the morning, savoring the newfound closeness that had blossomed in the wake of their unspoken confessions.



Yay. I updated. Tell me if you want these to be longer. you can also make requests. 

I doubt anyone is gonna read this story tho...




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