Flustered and annoyed (1)

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This is super cringe but oh whelp


The last day of school marked the beginning of a much-needed summer break for Alex and Mason. Their ongoing rivalry had become legendary within the small town, a constant battle for supremacy in academics, sports, and every trivial competition in between. As the final bell rang, they exchanged smirks, each convinced they would outshine the other in the weeks to come.

Summer unfolded, and Alex found herself absorbed in various activities—reading, hiking, and even attempting to learn a new language. Mason, on the other hand, seemingly vanished from the small town, leaving Alex to revel in the blissful peace.

But as the summer winds began to change, signaling the return to reality, Alex couldn't ignore the pit in her stomach. The first day back was an unwelcome reunion with Mason, who, to her chagrin, had seemingly transformed over the break.

He walked into the classroom with an air of confidence, a new haircut that framed his sharp jawline, and a summer tan that only emphasized his jaw-dropping physique. His black hair fell effortlessly into place, and his very dark brown eyes seemed to hold a mischievous glint. Alex tried to stifle the involuntary blush that crept onto her cheeks, furious with herself for even noticing.

As the days passed, Mason's newfound charisma seemed to have a magnetic effect on everyone, especially Alex. His jokes were sharper, his smiles were more dazzling, and his overall aura screamed, "I've had an amazing summer, and I know it."

Alex was determined not to let Mason's newfound allure affect her. She rolled her eyes at his attempts to engage in friendly banter and scoffed at the compliments he received from classmates. But deep down, a tiny voice whispered, "Maybe he's not so bad."

One afternoon, Mason caught Alex off guard by joining her at her favorite reading spot in the library. He flashed a disarming grin, the dimple in his cheek adding an extra layer of charm, and casually struck up a conversation about their summer adventures. Alex, determined not to show any sign of interest, responded with sarcastic quips and dismissive remarks.

But Mason seemed unfazed, even amused by her attempts to push him away. He leaned in, his very dark brown eyes locking onto hers, the proximity sending Alex's heart into overdrive, and whispered, "You know, you're not as terrible as you want everyone to believe."

Alex, flustered and annoyed, pushed her chair back with a huff. "Just because you got a summer glow-up doesn't mean I'm suddenly going to like you, Mason."

He chuckled, the sound sending shivers down her spine. "Who said anything about wanting you to like me, Alex? I'm just here to keep things interesting."

As the weeks unfolded, Alex found herself more than just intrigued; she was flustered. Despite her best efforts, Mason's presence had an undeniable effect on her. The more he flustered her, the harder she tried to resist the undeniable spark that seemed to flicker between them, threatening to turn their summer rivalry into an unexpected romance.

Mason, seemingly aware of the effect he had, continued to tease and challenge her at every turn. His dark eyes held a playful glint, and his smiles became more knowing, making it harder for Alex to keep her composure.

The lines between enemies and something else became increasingly blurred, and Alex found herself caught in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. She tried to convince herself that Mason was the same annoying rival from before, but the more he flirted and teased, the more she found herself questioning the nature of their relationship. The summer glow-up had not only changed Mason's appearance but had also ignited a fire that Alex wasn't sure she wanted to extinguish.



i should be doing homework

i have finals coming up soon

yay *sarcastic jazz hands



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