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Just before we start, I wanted to let yall know that these oneshots are gonna be in 3rd person. 


The room was filled with the soft glow of the TV as Alex and Mason settled into the movie marathon. The aroma of buttered popcorn wafted through the air, creating a cozy atmosphere. Despite the casual banter, an unspoken tension lingered, making the room feel smaller and the air thicker.

As the horror movie unfolded, Alex, attempting to mask her fear, commented, "This movie's so predictable. I bet I can guess every jump scare."

Mason, leaning against the blanket fort, smirked, "Go ahead, psychic."

With an air of confidence, Alex made predictions, occasionally glancing at Mason to gauge his reaction. Jump scares came and went, but Alex remained surprisingly composed, throwing comments like, "Called it," or "Too easy."

However, as a particularly intense scene approached, a jump scare took even her by surprise. In a reflex, she jumped, landing on the edge of the fort and inadvertently onto Mason's lap.

"Whoa!" Alex exclaimed, startled. "That was... unexpected."

Mason, caught off guard but with a hint of amusement, said, "Smooth landing, psychic."

Alex, blushing, tried to shift off his lap, but Mason's arm instinctively wrapped around her waist. The room fell into an awkward silence as they both realized the proximity. Alex, attempting to defuse the tension, laughed nervously, "Guess my psychic powers don't include avoiding embarrassing moments."

Mason, still holding her, chuckled, "Noted."

The awkwardness lingered for a moment before Mason suggested, "Hey, why don't you just stay here? It's comfy."

Alex, relieved, settled back onto Mason's lap, trying to regain her composure. The movie played on, but their focus shifted. The tension between them was palpable, and the blanket fort seemed to have transformed into a cocoon of shared vulnerability.

As the movie continued, Alex, wanting to distract herself, playfully punched Mason's arm. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

Mason, smirking, replied, "What can I say? Movie night just got interesting."

They exchanged playful banter, and as the night wore on, the awkwardness transformed into a newfound ease. In the midst of a romantic scene, Alex found herself leaning back against Mason's chest, his arm still wrapped around her.

"Comfy enough?" Mason asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Alex, settling into the unexpected coziness, smirked, "Not bad, not bad at all."

The movies played on, the atmosphere now filled with a mix of laughter and a subtle connection. As the credits rolled on the final movie, Alex found herself reflecting on the night's unexpected turns.

With a stretch, she teasingly said, "Well, that was an adventure."

Mason, still holding her, replied, "Movie night never disappoints."

As they prepared to settle in for the night, Alex couldn't help but appreciate the unintentional closeness. "Who knew horror movies could lead to this?" she mused.

Mason, smirking, responded, "Maybe we should thank the psychic predictions."

The room quieted down, the TV casting a gentle glow on their faces. As they drifted into sleep, the air was filled with the rhythmic hum of the TV and the shared warmth between Alex and Mason.



Hello. I find these kind of unnecessary. Bye. 



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