First Touch Soulmate AU

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Bring on the AUs


The day of the amusement park adventure dawned, and the whole class found themselves on a thrilling field trip, complete with assigned groups for the day. The air was filled with excitement and the promise of laughter as teachers grouped people together, including Alex, her friends, and Mason.

As the group embarked on their amusement park journey, the dynamics between Alex, Mason, and the rest of the friends added an extra layer of anticipation. The sun cast a warm glow on the vibrant surroundings as they navigated through the thrilling rides and attractions.

The unexpected twist of fate unfolded during a particularly intense roller coaster ride. The class had decided to brave the exhilarating experience together, the anticipation building with each click of the ascent. Mason, with his characteristic dark demeanor, showed a surprising enthusiasm for the adrenaline-packed ride.

The roller coaster plummeted, screams echoed, and the camera captured the moment of sheer thrill. The friends eagerly rushed to see the photos, laughter erupting as they marveled at the frozen expressions.

When Mason's turn came, there it was – the image of him, his dark facade momentarily shattered by the rush of the ride. Alex couldn't help but smirk at the sight.

"Wow, Captain Dark and Brooding, who knew you had a softer side?" she teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

Mason shot her a glare, but there was a hint of amusement beneath the stoic exterior. "Don't get used to it, Ice Queen. It was just a roller coaster."

The day unfolded with various attractions, each moment filled with laughter and camaraderie. When they reached a quaint corner of the park with a serene pond, Mason found himself drawn to the playful reflection of the water.

"Hey, Ice Queen, you might want to tie that hair of yours. It's kind of messing with the view," Mason remarked, his dark eyes holding a strange warmth.

Rolling her eyes, Alex scoffed, "Fine, fine. Just don't get too used to it. I'm not letting you touch my hair, Mr Hair Stylist."

However, as fate would have it, a mischievous friend intervened, causing Alex's hair tie to mysteriously disappear. Left with no other choice, she turned to Mason with an exasperated expression.

"Alright, Captain Dark and Brooding, work your magic. But remember, one wrong move, and you're in big trouble."

Mason's fingers deftly weaved through her hair, the simple act of braiding taking on an unexpected intimacy. His gentle touch sent shivers down her spine, and his scent enveloped her, short circuiting her brain. As he finished, he stepped back, the vibrant colors of the soulmate mark exploding into view.

The friends – and the rest of the class – gasped in unison, their eyes widening as the once-hidden mark on Alex's neck and under her hair revealed itself in a burst of bright lights. The air seemed to hum with an electric charge as the realization sunk in – Mason's touch had ignited the colorful display.

Alex, momentarily frozen by the intimacy of the moment, quickly played it off with a sarcastic remark. "Well, Captain Hair Stylist, I hope you've had your fill of playing with my hair. I don't usually let just anyone near it."

Mason, unfazed by her deflection, handed her a small slip of paper with his number scrawled on it. "Call me," he said, his tone surprisingly gentle, before disappearing into the crowd.

The friends exchanged astonished glances, and one of them whispered, "I can't believe it. Mason is her soulmate."

Alex, still processing the revelation, half-heartedly shot back with a smirk, "Well, isn't that just the cherry on top of this roller coaster of a day."



MaSon Is HeR SoUlMAtE OmG GuYs I NeVeR WOuLd hAve GuEsSeD wOW



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