Yes- (part 1)

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Samantha and Zephyr looked at Alex expectantly.

"It's a dare, you promised you would do it, Alexia."

"But it's going to be so- awkward! You know I have a massive crush on him, what if he rejects me?"

"Come on Alex, that's the whole point of this. You have a chance, and if he rejects you, you can say it's a dare!"

"Fine! But I'll be waiting to tell you that I told you so."

["Mason. Dude. Bro. My dudebro. My broskies. She. Is. Not. Going. To. Reject. You. She has a massive crush on you! She's made it really obvious! Just give it a shot, and if she doesn't like you back, then talk it out with her and get an agreement. Now just go already!"]


The door creaked open, and Mason entered Alex's room, unaware of the unexpected surprise waiting for him. Alex, slyly concealing her mischievous intentions, hastily set up her phone to capture her attempt. With a nervous and shaky smile, she turned to face Mason, who was casually strolling toward her.

As Mason approached, Alex decided to seize the moment. In one swift move, she initiated the challenge, leaning in to kiss him on the lips. Caught off guard, Mason's immediate reaction was to push her away, creating a sudden and awkward distance between them. His expression was a mix of confusion and surprise, as if he couldn't believe what had just transpired.

Her feelings a bit hurt, Alex burst into (fake) laughter, ready to accept the fact that he would never like her that way. She moved towards her phone, intending to stop the recording and diffuse the (probably one-sided) tension. However, before she could reach the device, Mason, now regaining his composure, stepped forward. 

Mason grabbed Alex's arm, halting her in her tracks. Their eyes locked, and with a sudden movement, he pulled her back towards him. The room fell silent for a moment, but then his lips met hers, and oh, she was melting, and it was so much better than she could ever have imagined, because one of his hands was holding her waist, and the other cradling her neck, 

[and the feel of her lips against his, and her arms around his neck, tugging on and running through the strands of his hair sent him to mars and back,]

and how close they were, how their bodies were pressed up against each other, was just- finally, she thought, I've loved him for years now, and finally, he thought, it was torture having to stop myself from telling her I love her for years now

As they finally pulled away, breathless and wide-eyed, the realization of what had just transpired settled in. It was a moment that hung in the air, full with the possibility of something new.Without uttering a word, Alex, feeling a mix of emotions, reached for her phone. With a quick swipe, she cut the recording, bringing an end to the captured spontaneity. The room returned to a familiar stillness, the echoes of their impulsive kiss lingering as a secret between them.

But it wasn't a secret, because they kissed again, and I love you, I love you, I love you so so much, it was painful, and I've been waiting so long for this-

Be my girlfriend?

and yes, yes, yes, always. 




so this one was a bit of a different style i think. idk. it felt different, and i like it more this way. 

so yeah. 

theres probably going to be a part 2 to this. 



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