Day 5

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Spoiler - they kiss


The day buzzed with excitement as Mason's football game approached. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow on the football field. Mason, feeling the pressure, sought comfort in the presence of his best friend, Alex.

"Hey, you got a minute?" Mason asked, his nerves palpable.

Alex noticed the anxiety in his eyes and instantly nodded. "Of course, what's up?"

He took a deep breath. "I was thinking, instead of warming up with the team, maybe we could hang out before the game? I could use some calming Alex vibes."

A soft smile spread across her face. "You got it, Captain. Let's do this."

As they walked away from the bustling team, Mason felt the tension in his shoulders ease. Alex grabbed his hand, linking their fingers, and gave him an encouraging squeeze.

"You're gonna kill it out there," she assured him.

The minutes leading up to the game were filled with laughter, inside jokes, and shared moments. As Mason's nerves settled, he found strength in the comforting presence of his best friend.

When the game began, Alex sat in the stands, cheering for Mason and the team. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and every time Mason scored, he couldn't help but seek her gaze in the crowd. Their eyes would meet, and a shared smile conveyed a world of unspoken support.

During a particularly intense moment, when the opposing team seemed inches away from scoring, Mason stole a glance at Alex. She was on her feet, shouting words of encouragement. In that moment, he felt an extra surge of determination, propelled by the unwavering support of his best friend.

As the final whistle blew, signaling their victory, Mason couldn't wait to celebrate with Alex. The team gathered for a post-game celebration at a party hosted by one of the players.

The atmosphere at the party was lively, with music thumping and laughter echoing through the air. The friend group gathered in a circle, passing around dares and challenges.

Someone glanced at Alex with a mischievous grin. "Alex, I dare you to kiss the first person who walks through the door."

Laughter erupted from the group as they eagerly awaited her response. Alex hesitated, glancing at the entrance. The door swung open, and to everyone's surprise, Mason walked in.

With a sly smile, Alex stood up, accepting the dare. As Mason approached, she grabbed him by the collar and planted a quick kiss on his lips. The room erupted in cheers and applause, the unexpected turn of events adding a layer of excitement to the celebration.

Mason, slightly dazed but with a grin on his face, played along. "Well, I guess I'm the lucky one tonight."

The party continued, but as the night progressed, the noise and crowds became overwhelming for Alex. Feeling pressured by another round of dares and uncomfortable stares, she discreetly slipped away from the party.

Mason, noticing her absence, excused himself from the group and followed her outside. He found her standing on the porch, looking visibly uncomfortable.

"You okay?" Mason asked, concern etched across his face.

Alex shook her head. "I just needed a break. Parties like this aren't really my thing."

Understanding her discomfort, Mason took her hand. "Want to get out of here?"

Relief washed over her face as they left the party together. Mason hailed a cab, and they headed back to the comfort of Alex's apartment.

Once inside, they kicked off their shoes and settled on the couch. Mason could sense the tension leaving Alex's body as they chatted about anything and everything.

"You know," Mason said, breaking the silence, "I couldn't have won that game without you in the stands. Your cheers were my secret weapon."

Alex chuckled. "Well, you were the one out there scoring touchdowns. I was just the loud cheerleader."

Mason reached over and pulled her into a comforting hug, his arms wrapping around her securely. It was a hug that spoke of understanding, of being there for each other through thick and thin.

"I'm grateful for you, Alex," Mason whispered. "Thanks for being my anchor, on and off the field."

She hugged him back, appreciating the warmth of the moment. "Anytime, Captain. You know I've got your back."

As the night unfolded, Mason couldn't help but feel the magnetic pull of something more. With a tender smile, he looked into Alex's eyes and confessed, "You know, I'd rather kiss you than play dares at a party any day."

Alex met his gaze, her heart skipping a beat. "I wouldn't mind that at all."



what do i write here





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