𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊

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𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊

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Dumbledore has been planning for a long to archieve his plans. He have done many cruel things but for him him it's was for the greater group.

Killing his sister was for the greater good. Bretraying his boyfriend was for the greater good. Creating a new Dark Lord that is name Tom Marvolo Riddle was for the greater good. Creating a fake prophecy and use ut to kill the Potter was for the greater good.

Now sending Antheia Potter in
Akzaban was for the greater good.

Dumbledore sent the small baby girl to her aunt's family knowing that they would dislike her and hurted her. He payed them so that they would do whatever they want to the innocent baby.

He sent Sirius Black in Akzaban driving the man to the edge of insanity but Sirius love his goddaughter so much that he did not lose his sanity and kept living for her. But not only did Dumbledore sent the baby's godfather away, he also manipulated her honory uncle name Remus Lupin.

Albus Dumbledore also have other people who helped him and it was Severus Snape and Molly Weasley. The whole family Weasley were in it so were the muggleborn girl name Hermione Granger.

The moment Antheia Potter went to Hogward she was beyond happy, she was going to learn magic. She was just like how Dumbledore want her to be.

Clueless and Naive.

She made her first friends who is Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. She had also rejected Draco Malfoy's friendship because he insulted Ron because Ron was her first 'friend'.
A rivalry started because of that between Draco and Antheia though Antheia did not want to created enemy, she was manipulated by everyone who she loved.

Even her godbrother Neville Longbottom who did not believe her when she said that she did not not enter the tournament in her fourth years.

In her first year she found a three head dogs in Hogwards and was bullied mentally by Severus.

In her second years she had to fight a giant basilik, was labelled as the Dark Lady and met a handsome boy in the Chamber of secret who she thought killed her parents.

In third years she found out of her godfather who she thought want to killed her. She was happy jhen Sirius told her that she will live with him and not the Dursley. She and her godfather passed so much time together that she saw him as her father figure.

But the Potter's luck found her in her fourth years when she was accused of entering the tournament. No one believed her other than Sirius and Remus. She had to fight to a dragons and save others's lifes and she had to deal with the bullying who were getting worser day by day.

Fifth years was the worst years, her only family members died by the hands of Bellatrix or that what she thought. The second bad thing was that she had to go back to the Dursley.

In her Six years , she found out about the hocruxs and accidentally found out of Dumbledore's plan of using her but she was caught and sent to Akzaban.


Antheia looked down at her trembling hands, here she was on her knees infront of her so called mentor, friends and mother figure. Tears running down her face as her so called friend Hermione place his foot on her hand. "Ah!" She bit her bottom lips trying to not cried out loud.

"Why?" She whispered exhaustedly looking directly in Dumbledore's eyes. She was tired, tired of everything and everyone, maybe staying in Akzaban is a good thing? She thought.

"Why? Because it's all for the greater good my girl, we have no other way to do things." Dumbledore said in a fake sad tone. Behind him stand Ron Weasley who was smirking.

"Don't worry! We will make good use of your money." Antheia looked down dully. Money? She never used it, she would always gave it to Molly Weasley who forced her to do her chores too. It's was Antheia's way of gaining love. Well she thought that they will love her but no, they used her.

"You are useless Antheia, no one love you." Hermione whispered in her ears and slapped her before walking away.

Useless? Right I am useless. No one love me. No one ever would. I am a freak, a waste of space.

If Dumbledore wabted a broken doll then he had create one at the moment precise.

"Don't worry! You will get out of the this cell, hm someday I guess?" Ron laughed out loud and left with Ginny, Hermione and Dumbledore. The only one who was here was Molly Weasley. Molly bend down and grabbed Antheia's chin forcing her to looked at her.

"MAybe if you become a good little girl then I will give you to my sons, you still beautiful after all." Antheia's body starts trembling from fear, tears kept running down her face. "Hmfp." Molly slapped her and walked away leaving Antheia alone in her cell.

Antheia looked at the wall, her head against the wall as she bring her knees closer to her body to give herself some warmth.

Antheia don't know here she went wrong. The only thing she is love, family love, friends.

A good life.

Maybe she was being selfish? There are people who are having it worser than her so it's okay is not it? She should just wait till someone save her or love her?

There was one thing clear though.

Antheia Potter was nothing more than a broken doll.

𝕰𝖓𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊

𝕰𝖓𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊

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