𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔰𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫

She looked taken aback, before she hit him with the best puppy dog eyes she could muster

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She looked taken aback, before she hit him with the best puppy dog eyes she could muster. "You owe me for not telling me that I could make chocolate apparate! "He cursed softly. "Fine", he growled. She smile at him happily and kissed his cheeks.

He sighed as Daren Nott screamed again. He should never have allowed
Brllatrix to begin teaching her the Dark Arts. She was probably going to become more notorious than him, and he prided himself on his notoriety. He was Lord Voldemort was Merlin's sake!

And his lover was too sweet. But he found that he enjoyed sitting back for once, allowing someone else to do the dirty work. As she laughed and teased him, he smiled. She had a wonderful laugh.

"Ron Weasley is dead." Tom said carelessly. Antheia nodded slowky taking in the imformation,"I heard that Lord Weasley divorce Molly?" Antheia looked at Tom. She want to know if it was true.

"It is." Tom nodded. "I would like to see him." She muttered shyly. "Why?" Tom tilted his head and looked at her. "He was always nice to me, Percy and Bill too, also the twin!" She smiled brightly.

"No problem." Tom immediately answered lovesickly after seeing
her smile.

Yet Tom's smile fade away, the reminder that Dumbledore will die today make him cold yet amuse. His little lover will stay with the other kids in Slytherin at the Malfoy manor.

After a few hours, Tom brought Antheia back in the Malfoy Manor. In the manor was The Greengrass sisters, Rosalie Snape who Tom want to choke to death, Theodore Malfoy Nott, Draco Malfoy, The Weasleys siblings, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinston, all of them will be protect by Rodolphus Lestrange.

"Why can't we fight in the war?" Draco sighed, "Because It's Tom's fight, Dragon. You have to stay to take care of siblings, betrothed and friends." Narcissa cupped his cheeks.

"Be careful." Antheia tugged on Regulus's sleeves while looking at
her family worriedly. "We will."


Albus Dumbledore grunted as another wave of spells plowed into his magical shield. A bead of sweat ran down his forehead from the strain on his magic. His blue eyes scanned over the crowd of lost souls clothed in black and silver masks.

So many lost in the darkness, desperately trying to find their way back to the Light. Blue met an eerie red, and he felt his past mistakes pushing down on his shoulders.

his most recent failure could be considered one of his worst. In his own hubris, he truly believed he knew best, and everything he did was for the Greater Good. His word carried a heavyweight and was considered the law to most.

He did not expect the war to come so fast, and his weapon was nowhere to
be seen neither. He was truly a fool.

Dumbledore looked at Tom. "Love is the greatest power in the world, Tom. Your failure to understand it has led you to this place, alone and without allies."

Tom chuckle, if only the fool know what he was talking about. Tom know love, he had the love of his lover, and his followers. Many Death Eaters did care for him.

Dumbledore pointed his wand downward and a wave seems to go around the grounds surrounding them in a huge circle around them, though the center was where Dumbledore stood.

Dumbledore had planned next, Tom sent a curse at Dumbledore, knowing that the headmaster would easily dodge it. However, the curse wasn't meant for Dumbledore, it was meant for one of the numerous people behind him.

The person that was hit was Lockhart who happened to be screaming in pain on the dirty ground. Bellatrix smirked, his lovely niece have told her about how that disgusting man would gave her uncomfortable attentions or words.

"Well now, isn't this interesting," a smooth, silky voice reverberated off the walls. They all watched the man tilt his head upward and gain a small, almost unnoticeable smile. "Such nostalgia. I haven't seen this place in so, so very long," he whispered out loud, though his voice carried in the silent hall.

Dumbledore looked at the two men in behind. "Who are they?" He whispered to himselves. "Don't you remember anymore Albus Dumbledore?" Albus's eyes widened. "No, no, no." He muttered repeatingly.

"Yes. Yes. And yes." James took off the hood with Regulus who looked at Dumbledore with cold and dangerous glare.

Albus stood up shakily, his body magically exhausted. "James," he whispered out, almost not believing his eyes. Brown eyes turned to meet his blue ones. "Jales, my boy, is that truly you?" he asked, his hope reached his ears. McGonaggal gasped in shock. She was standing infront of the students, protecting them.

"Dumbledore," the brown-eyes man muttered, his smile growing ever so slightly.

"My boy! You need to help us! The Dark Lord want to take over the Wizard World and- he kidnapped your daughter!" Dumbledore lied hoping James would believe it.

"Why did not I actually kidnap her before?" Tom cursed himself.

"No, no and no, Albus. Bad dog, lying is bad,very bad." Dumbledore looked at him in confusion. "You see, my lovely and cute little daughter is currently in the arm of Draco Malfoy who is taking care of her." James smirked. "They are bonding with their friends."

"You can't allow that! You are an horrible Father! How dare you let
that brat with those Death Eaters?!" Tom sighed and snap his finger.

"Molly, shut up." Her husband- ex husband said coldly while standing
next to James and Regulus.

"It's over." Tom muttered.

"Avada Kedava."


Spell were hitted toward the light side but they dark side made sure to not kill Dumbledore and Molly yet. Bellatrix smirked while casting a crucio at Granger. She had promise herself to make that mudblood suffer.

Their pain start now.


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