𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯

"Dumbledore! That brat is not in the cell anymore!" Molly shouted panicly

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"Dumbledore! That brat is not in
the cell anymore!" Molly shouted panicly. Molly went to the cell earlier to mock our female lead but to her surprise the cell was empty.

"What!?" Dumbledore shouted angryly and confuse. "Are you sure?" He breath out slowly. "Yes!" Molly answered looking at his son angryly. "I told you to watch over her!" Ron rolled his eyes.

"I was busy fucking Hermione." He answered unbothered. Hermione looked at him, "Ron!" She shouted. "What?" Ron  looked at her clearly annoyed.

They did not have a healthy relationship but both were too stubborn to care, they only care about the money and pleasure in a twisted way, specially Antheia's.

"Now that the girl is gone, what do we do?!" Molly looked back at Dumbledore who was drinking lemon water. "We will found her, she can't have gone too far." He said unsure but Molly nodded like a fangirl.

They were in a hell of a surprise but they did not need to know that just yet after revenge is a plate who we eat cold.



"How is it going?" Tom sat on the couch, his leg crossed on the over. He look at Lucius who was a little hapoy, too happy for Tom's liking. "She is getting better and is more comfortable with Theodore, my guess is that they are friends for a long time now." Lucius explained wanting nothing more than to see his nex daughter.

Tom nodded, he was please with that information. "Did you tell her yet?" He asked curiously. "My wife is currently explaining it to her." Lucius answered with a small smile. "Alright then, you can go to them." Tom get up and teleport back to his manor leaving an excited Lucius.

Meanwhile Narcissa was looking at his adopted daughter worriedly, ever since she told her the new about she adopted her, Antheia have been quiet. Theodore and Draco looked at eachother and nodded.

"Hey little flower." Antheia looked at Theo, tilting her head. "Yes, Theo?" She answered quietly. Narcissa smiled looking at her. "I know that you may not like it or is worried but I promise you that Lady Malfoy, Lord Malfoy or even Draco won't hurt you." Theo explained while brushing her hair off her face.

"They..won't?" Her unsure words broke Narcissa's heart. She wondered herself how much pain have this cute little girl go through because of them, because of Dumbledore, because of those muggles.

Draco clenched his hand and looked down. "We won't, I am sorry for everything I did before. I will understand if you you won't forgive me." He muttered gaining a proud look from his mother.

"I-i a..am sorry..too." Antheia stuttured. "For what sweetheart?" Narcissa asked confuse on why the little girl was apologizing. "For r-rejecting...y-your f-frienship and..for the p-pranks." Draco chuckled softly which haf Antheia confuse.

"W-why...you laughing?" She mumbled confusely. "You are just so cute, you don't have to apologize to me or anyone.  You are my little sister now, I will protect you, always." Antheia's eys got teary and she hesitately pat Draco's hair.

"I..love ferret.." She let out a small giggle. Draco looked at her offended. "Ferret?" He thought with an offended face. Theo and Narcissa tried to hold their laugh with Lucius who was eavesdropping.

"Do you accept us being your new family? And no we won't ever replace your biological parents." Antheia looked at Narcissa and nodded slowly. "O-okay...ma'am." She muttered lowly and nervously.

"You don't have to call me ma'am, Cissa is enough or when you get comfortable you can call me mom." Narcissa smiled as she watched her daughter nodded.
Lucius opened the door and looked at Antheia. "You can call me Luci or in the future dad if you want." Antheia smile slowly and nod.

"This feel nice, it feel amazing."  She thought while looking at her new family. She never thought that the Malfoy would be her family but neither way she felt greatful.

"D-does..that mean I-i look..like..y-you m-miss Cissa?" She asked curiously. "Yes! Your hair is white in the back!" Narcissa smile happily before grabbing a mirror to show her.

 "Yes! Your hair is white in the back!" Narcissa smile happily before grabbing a mirror to show her

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"Pretty.." Antheia muttered while looking at it. "A real angel." Antheia blush embarassedly and looked at Draco. "T-thank..you.." It was the first tile someone compliment honestly.

"It the truth." Lucius and Theo looked at eachother and agreed. "W-will m-my n-name stay..the same?" She asked curiously. Narcissa sweatdrop a little. "Well yes but it get longer." Antheis tilted her head.

"Antheia Iliana Narcissa Luciana Jewel Lyra Malfoy-Potter." Anthei's eyes sparkle knowing that all the names have pretty meaning. "I..love it, t-thank you.." She whispered with a smile.

Antheia - mean flower or blossom'.
Iliana - mean 'ray of light; from illium''
Narcissa - mean 'Daffodil'.
Luciana - mean 'light'.
Jewel - mean 'precious stone'.
Lyra - mean 'lyra and is a constellation'.

Antheia smile at the six names's meaning. She does not even remember ever feeling so happy before. Being with the Malfoy make her happy but can she fully trust them? She did not know but she hope that she could.

After all they are her new family.


In next chapter.

"How about we adopt Theodore?"


𝔈𝔫𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯

𝔈𝔫𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯

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